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Messages - Ipquarx

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I'd like to post the full context of why Val/Computermix is making these baseless allegations against me. Just so everybody's clear, the blacked out name in those chat messages accusing me is indeed Val/Computermix.

Even before we broke up, he was turning to drug use. He mentioned this to me multiple times, and every time I told him firmly that he needed to stop because it could lead him down a rabbit hole to permanent damage. He refused, and continued using, and that was one of the main reasons I broke up with him.

Here's a chart with a timeline of his drug abuse (Click to view full size):

The breakup happened sometime in 2018, I don't remember the exact date because again, everything was on steam. My best guess is around may, not that it matters.

After the breakup, he was inconsolable. I tried my best to comfort him but he repeatedly threatened me with Self Delete if I didn't continue talking with him and comforting him. This was a problem because not only because it's extremely manipulative, but often times he would make very accusatory and manipulative statements like "You never cared about me" "You never loved me" "You cheated on me I know it" "You didn't talk to me all day yesterday, you must loving HATE me" etc etc... (Note: not actual quotes, just rough examples of the kinds of messages I would get)

This took a huge toll on me. Not only did I feel the need to continue talking to him to stop him from committing Self Delete when he wasn't on drugs, when he was actually on drugs he would often have paranoid delusions, and in order to not escalate things I had to "play in" to it. The delusions were never super serious, an example might be "The hotel room worker stole my clothes cause I can't find them." (The specifics don't matter) Regardless, I was put in a situation where I had to lie to both myself and him, in order to protect him from himself. I didn't always say the most logical things either because I was under enormous mental stress from the whole situation.

Eventually, he got into rehab a couple of times (I believe first in September 2018, second in December 2018, though again the specifics don't matter), and I stopped talking to him after his second trip to rehab because I knew he would be okay. I made it clear that what he had put me through was traumatic and that for my own mental health I needed to stop talking to him for the foreseeable future.

In March 2019, I finally felt ready to reach out to him, to set boundaries for the future. Under no way was I obligated to speak to him at all, ever again. Not after the abuse I received. And I knew that if things went poorly I would never speak to him again. They went poorly. At some point the gaslighting and emotional manipulation for attention came up, and he got defensive. Regardless of whether or not he was on drugs, he did do those things, and to completely shirk responsibility disgusted me, so I blocked him. And we haven't spoken since.

He didn't like that, and got extremely mad at everyone around him because he couldn't talk to me. Here's a relevant text from Val's parents sent Sept. 2019 about the fallout of this:

And more texts that Val's parents sent me:

To make it clear: It does not matter what amount of this behaviour came from the drugs and what amount came from his "true self." What I know is what I experienced. I experienced emotional manipulation, gaslighting, repeated Self Delete threats, emotional abuse. He even threatened his own parents with Self Delete to try to talk to me. He both currently is and was that desperate.

I'm not saying I handled everything perfectly. Nobody could under that kind of stress. What I am saying is:
1. I'm under no obligation to speak to him after what happened to me, and in addition I will never, ever speak to him again.
2. Even in the scenario that he's clean now, he is extremely desperate to talk to me, and that's the only reason why he's making these accusations. He doesn't have any actual evidence, but he wants to manufacture a scenario where I "have" to talk to him to make the allegations "disappear."

Fact #1 should be obvious, #2 I know because of these messages:

This last picture I got in a BLF PM today. Make no mistake - this is blackmail. He's literally trying to blackmail me to make me talk to him. Just so everybody's clear, there's no way he would just "drop" the accusation by talking to him if there was any evidence whatsoever to back up his claims. It is completely made up.

Val can claim all he wants that what's documented here is all behind him, but the blackmail speaks volumes about how desperate he is. If Val, right now, is not above literal blackmail, then he's certainly not above taking things out of context, he is not above manufacturing evidence and lying through his teeth, he is not above editing real conversations to make them look worse. I did not groom anyone. End of story.

Breaking news.

Ipquarx following Evar's CP page..
Right, so full disclosure, I was (emphasis was...) a friend of evars for a long time. He told me to follow his FA account and I did without looking at it. I regret not checking the page at some point because it's disgusting. I do not support it whatsoever.

With regards to my relationship with the person here, I guess I have to air the dirty laundry now. The relationship I had with val/computermix (yes, that guy) started in 2013. I was 16 and he was 14. I'm not sure where he got 15 from (Maybe he got info from someone else? I'm not sure) but I have my math correct on this 100%. I was a lonely high school kid and so when he asked me to date (not the other way around...) and i said yes because i thought i wouldn't be lonely anymore. It ended up not being cool and we broke up. We were both minors when the relationship started and both adults when the relationship ended, and when it ended, he gaslighted me, emotionally manipulated and abused me, repeatedly lied to me, etc etc... And that's all before he started doing hard drugs.

Did I make the mistake of dating while underage? Absolutely. Dating underage never works out well. But I absolutely did not "groom" anyone. In addition Val is not a reliable narrator of what happened during our stuffty high school relationship.

Either you start airing and spill the details or start packing cause this whole situation ain't looking good for you
I'm not sure how you think the situation doesn't look good for me because 1. no evidence was presented and 2. no such evidence exists because it didn't happen. Of course I can't speak for evar but I can definitely speak for myself.

Even if they went ahead and "aired the dirty laundry" for me, there would still be no evidence, because again, it didn't happen.


this is false. I'm not sure what he gains from lying about this but it's unequivocally false. again I have a lot of details I could share but I'm not going to air dirty laundry on a block game forum.

+ there's one very vague "grooming" incident (hardly even proof of anything?)
that part is most definitely false. there are of course a lot of details i could share but I have no desire to air dirty laundry on a block game forum.

Assuming the democrats play this smart they can:

Give Annoying Orange his repeal of Section 230 and drop the military budget down to a level which would have likely not passed before.
In the unlikely event that it does happen (which it won't), repealing section 230 would result in 1 of 2 outcomes:
1. Most websites completely ignore it and delays/stonewalls prosecution until January where it will be reinstated (Most likely outcome)
2. Most websites that host any form user content are voluntarily taken down until January where it will be reinstated (Unlikely but possible)

Annoying Orange being petty doesn't do any good. Section 230 stays either way because it's one of the backbones of the internet ffs. NONE of the websites any of us use on a regular basis would be able to stay. BLF, Wikipedia, 4chan, youtube, any online file storage including google drive, icloud, shopify, twitch, amazon, all of it would be fundamentally impossible to run. Asking for a total repeal just makes him look petty and brings further shame to the GOP.

Arizona and Wisconsin have certified their election results.

Also I'd like to point out how close option #1 in the poll was to the actual results of the election - the only state it got wrong was Georgia.

Off Topic / Re: gaming mouse broke
« on: November 29, 2020, 04:37:15 PM »
I suppose it depends on where your wire is leading. Anything that’s set up where the weight of your wire is pulling down on the mouse (like if a tower is lower than your desk), nothing short of “gaming mice” are you going to get good cabling that is flexible enough to keep up.
i will agree that a decent cable on the mouse is a necessity. if it's stiff then that will negatively affect the experience as well. i don't think i've personally bought a mouse with a bad cable but i have experienced them before.

but a G502 for instance (which i've been using for quite a long time without any double-click problems) has a fantastic cable, so there are no worries there.

Off Topic / Re: gaming mouse broke
« on: November 29, 2020, 03:40:40 PM »
Keep your stuff charged then
again, an inconvenience (regardless of how small and how many weeks/months it lasts)

I'd say most people dont have the desk setup to have a wire that doesn't get in the way. Flicks feel awful when tethered if you don't have a bungie.
obviously speculation and subjective, but i have to hard disagree on both. unless your tower is a crazy distance away from your mousepad. that one scenario, where the tower is so far away from the mousepad that the cable cannot reach it with sufficient slack, is the only scenario where a cable has had any negative impact on me. given i've only seen that a handful of times (mostly in shoddy settings like a poorly maintained school library) i'm going to conclude that is rare, not the norm.

Off Topic / Re: gaming mouse broke
« on: November 29, 2020, 01:46:00 PM »
look to get a wireless one, the logitech wireless lineup seems pretty dope and apparently latency isnt that much of an issue in them anymore
the novelty of not having a wire is not worth the inconvenience of your mouse dying in the middle of work or games

In other news, the GOPs last (extremely thin) legal challenge to disqualify mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania was rejected today, by republican appointed judge D. Brooks Smith. This is the same case that Rudy Giuliani took over. The GOP says they're going to appeal to the supreme court.

I say extremely thin because, quoting the ruling:
"It conceded that it is not alleging election fraud. It has already raised and lost most of these state-law issues, and it cannot relitigate them here. It cites no federal authority regulating poll watchers or notice and cure. It alleges no specific discrimination. And it does not contest that it lacks standing under the Elections and Electors Clauses. These claims cannot succeed."

Off Topic / Re: biden is actually going to be worse than Annoying Orange
« on: November 24, 2020, 04:15:08 PM »
Obama committed war crimes and enabled mega corps to get away with enabling the housing collapse of 2008.
based leftist matthew

I can't wait for the day CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and FOX go bankrupt.
based leftist matthew

Off Topic / Re: Who has the best avatar in the house?
« on: November 22, 2020, 04:10:15 PM »

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