Author Topic: The Strain Trilogy  (Read 595 times)

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The Strain, written by Guillermo del Toro and co-written by Chuck Hogan, is a book about well, simply put, vampires. But this isn't the Twilight you know of.

To be honest, this book gave me nightmares and the sequel has just come out about two weeks ago. I'm posting this because this book is really good, and I wanted to see if anybody had read it. This book, probably is the best I've ever read. I'm planning to read the sequel, The Fall, soon.


Fahrst poast!

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« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 10:33:05 AM by Badspot »

I misspelled it on purpose.
Sorry, that was my first first post. I somehow got excited.

Never read the book, but I'm bumping this thread anyway because of the scout's great injustice.

Yes, Must read this book. I hope its scary and not like 5th grade scary.