Author Topic: Point Light Brightness Fix - Shader Patch - Updated for r1715  (Read 14081 times)

You should make a version 6 where the lights create shadows.
Example picture attached.

Got a supercomputer to throw at that?  Just saying, look at the framerates we're all getting now, and imagine dividing that by the number of lights in a fully-lit build like ACM City...

Will this be updated for the current version of V21?

Will this be updated for the current version of V21?
I'm not sure how it would, it seems blockland doesn't use the glsl files in the shaders folder anymore. Hopefully there will be official support for custom shaders soon.

I'm not sure how it would, it seems blockland doesn't use the glsl files in the shaders folder anymore. Hopefully there will be official support for custom shaders soon.

Perhaps this would help?

AKA the Vsm files are no longer used, they are remains from before the update - now it uses the Csm files.

Sorry it took my so long, it's updated for v1713 now.

Badspot needs to stop updating so much :cookieMonster:

Ok new version is out.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 06:05:39 PM by Tammy »

Is there going to be an update for r1730?

Please, make a new version. Minimum shaders looks awesome with this.

Finally! I hated all that specular junk/glare.