Author Topic: Where did everyone go? | Current State of Blockland  (Read 4462 times)
2009: guys blockland is dying
[1 Decade later]
2019: guys blockland is dying

Same stuff every day, blockland maybe just kinda dipped this week. Or month. Maybe give it some time.
this is what the dudes on the titanic said

And that decline also making the toxic side of the playerbase more apparent over time
yeah cause there's no one here to water them down

its kind of odd that there are three threads in off topic that are discussing the exact same thing: the fact that blockland is dead.
it is indeed a sign of the times
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 06:53:37 PM by blockguy™ »

yeah cause there's no one here to water them down
It's time for a compromise, we have to cull the toxicity

Ready the nukes

can someone post an updated version of the forum activity graph

Is this really what I come back to? It's like Dante's 7th level of hell up in here. 

man i can't believe blockland is loving dead and i have to fly out to the US to attend the funeral AGAIN

man i can't believe blockland is loving dead and i have to fly out to the US to attend the funeral AGAIN
Did someone pester you over Steam/Discord and tell you to post here?
2009: guys blockland is dying
[1 Decade later]
2019: guys blockland is dying

Same stuff every day, blockland maybe just kinda dipped this week. Or month. Maybe give it some time.
Blockland is a sinking ship and might be dead by next year, maybe 2 years tops

people like mastermatthew keep stuffting up the forum

be relieved that the playerbase is declining lately because of school
blockland has been flourishing on weekends lately

What year did most of you join the Blockland forum?
2011? 2014? 2016?

Truth be told, I'm seeing very few faces from the 2009 era.

hi if u care about me and my presence pls never post anything political again ty
2009: guys blockland is dying
[1 Decade later]
2019: guys blockland is dying

Same stuff every day, blockland maybe just kinda dipped this week. Or month. Maybe give it some time.
ah yes the game will Definitely still have at least 100 average players by 2029. just like the v0002 community is still going Strong today!!

Blockland is a sinking ship and might be dead by next year, maybe 2 years tops
ah yes the game will also Definitely be TOTALLY dead in 2 years. absolutely nobody will ever touch it again. wiped from everyones harddrives.