Author Topic: Square Society: Five Years  (Read 159767 times)

if anyone is awake... come play DART CHALLENGE with me --- brave game to determine who is the biggest dart champion

(server now down)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 02:02:50 AM by jeprimer »

those darts are looking slick, can't wait to try em out.

when mega edits the op
I did it!! now you have your own section and you're on the members list.

oh also i promoted tbd to administrator, is just a cool title for a cool dude. lol
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 12:30:33 PM by Mega-Bear »

holy moly that build
It's a 6 year old thing by Ephialtes, me and Jeprimer have held onto it all these years cause we really love it.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 09:05:27 PM by zelau »

so that's what they mean when they call them green onions

How many layers?
(((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))) approximately

the onion contains the following: onion stuff and skulls

hosting a deathmatch on station 3! (still in progress but very playable) everyone check it out!

looks super cool jep!

i've been working on some stuff too..

Today a Netflix original Godzilla anime was released internationally. To coincide with the occasion I would like to share some pictures of a project Jeprimer and I are working on. He's making kaiju playertypes, and I am making a Monster Island deathmatch to go along with it.

(Monster Island is being built in miniature scale so that tiny players can face off against large players for a more authentic experience. The player in the screenshot is normal sized.)

The Brighter Dark has also released his extremely fun Skatepark gamemode. Everybody should give it a try!

« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 10:16:15 PM by Mega-Bear »

would love to make an entire city with the theme the skatepark build has
good work guys