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Topics - Xalos

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Suggestions & Requests / Water Speed Bubbles Change
« on: April 19, 2013, 10:22:31 AM »
You know those bubbles that appear when you move quickly in water, such as in a rowboat?

Well, there's one thing about them that annoys me: They spawn when you move relative to absolute stationary, instead of waterr stationary. Or, to put it another way, your not moving at all can cause movement bubbles to appear because you're on a river.

This makes no sense, because you're not moving through the water, the water is carrying you along.

I'd like to see this changed.

General Discussion / Name These Shapes
« on: April 18, 2013, 04:30:33 PM »
I have two bricks. I don't know what to call them. Can you name these shapes?

Add-Ons / Wedge Bricks V4.5
« on: April 13, 2013, 07:06:08 PM »
This is for those of you who don't want to have to have two seperate brick packs to have the wedges of V4 and V5.
Happy building!

All credit for bricks/models/icons to Tophius.

Modification Help / Crashing at ~3.5K AIConnections
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:11:40 AM »
For some reason, Blockland crashes once I've reached roughly 3500 AI clients. They don't all exist at the same time; there are only about fifty max at any given time. It seems as though the clients are being deleted when the AIPlayer linked to them dies, as I would expect... so why is the server still crashing?

Do I just have to not ever use 3500 AIs in the same server?

Modification Help / Naming an AIPlayer
« on: April 03, 2013, 07:38:40 PM »
As I understand it, bots (AKA AIPlayers) can now be named.

However, I can't find the method/variable used to do this. I've tried %bot.setBotName(%name); as it seemed like the most obvious function, but it did absolutely nothing.

Note: I don't want a shapename, I just want the death message to show a bot name. Preferrably without having to hack up a new onDeath function AGAIN.

Modification Help / Content of an HTTP response
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:00:20 PM »
I'm trying to send some HTML text in response to an HTTP GET request, but I don't know precisely what has to be in the header.

Here's what I have at the moment:

Code: [Select]
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/HTML\r\nContent-Length: 29\r\n<html><body>Hai!</body></html>\r\n\r\n

What I need is to be able to generate random unit vectors that have a uniform average distribution across a sphere.

If I take a random azimuth (-3.14159265 to 3.14159265) and a random elevation (-1.570796325 to 1.570796325), then I have a problem. There's a higher density of points at the 'higher' elevations than there is at the 'equator'. How do I correct this problem?

Code: [Select]
function getRandomVector()
   %azimuth = getRandom(-314159, 314159) / 100000;
   %elevation = getRandom(-15708, 15708) / 10000;
   %z = mSin(%elevation); %scale = mCos(%elevation);
   %x = mSin(%azimuth) * %scale; %y = mCos(%azimuth) * %scale;
   return %x SPC %y SPC %z;

Add-Ons / HeediTDM HUD
« on: March 26, 2013, 03:12:04 PM »
A mod to show the points that have been captured by either side!
Note: This mod will not be synced up correctly when you join. This is normal. Just wait for the points to change hands/the game to reset and then it'll be synced up correctly.

Warning: This mod is not likely to work on any other server, and is entirely dependant on Heedi not breaking it. If he doesn't want people to know what points are capped, not much I can do about it.

Heedicalking's server is currently .


Off Topic / Xalos got a new sonic screwdriver
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:13:36 PM »
Woot, I got a sonic screwdriver!

Hopefully I don't blow anything up... :/

Off Topic / Xalos gained a level!
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:40:32 PM »
Xalos has reached 365/365 EXP and levelled up to Level 18!

+1 INT
+1 WIS
+1 CON
-1 DEX

...and I also disproved one of my idiot friends' theories that people are invincible on their birthday by tripping like an idiot on the way to the bus home and scraping myself in four individual places.

General Discussion / What's the purpose of ColorIDs?
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:15:30 AM »
Why do we have them? Is it a client rendering issue? Is it a network load issue? Why do we use ColorIDs instead of straight-out RGBA values?

I came across a function that 'changes' a ColorID. However, all the bricks which already had that color stay the same, so I would assume they're 'remembering' their actual RGBA value, instead of the CID value - so why use them?

I'm not saying I disagree with the concept of a colorset itself, but if the color could be changed arbitrarily, then it could be client-sided instead of server-sided - eliminating the competition between colorsets, because a client could just use the one s/he likes best.

So why do we have ColorIDs?

Add-Ons / Grav Jeep
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:05:54 PM »
A replica of the Gravity Jeep. I never felt that the old gravity jeep handled well on ceilings, so I decided to make my own. The vehicle itself is a copy of the one in the Gravity Jeep, but the function for gravity is different.

The vehicle renames itself based on whether or not the original mod is active, which means that you can just disable the old Gravity Jeep to cause all saves to use the new Grav Jeep.

  • Handles much better on ceilings.
  • Compatible with the Gravity Jeep, but doesn't need it.
  • Doesn't suddenly lose track of which way is down.
    (AKA the fly-upwards-into-the-air glitch when the Gravity Jeep is pointing straight down.)

  • Not self-compatible.*
  • Handling is a bit iffier on walls than the Gravity Jeep.
  • Only has the Jeep, not the Turismo or Tank.

*If you save a Grav Jeep with both mods enabled, then reload it with only the Grav Jeep enabled, it won't load the vehicle.


Version Two:
  • Fixed a glitch wherein the speed would reset to 0 TU if it exceeded 100 TU.

Modification Help / Is the Gamemode_* file Save.bls required?
« on: February 16, 2013, 07:42:42 PM »
The title pretty much states the question.
Is the Save.bls file in gamemodes required, or is it just used if it exists?

Modification Help / [RESOURCE] GetSlidingColorTag
« on: February 07, 2013, 06:15:05 PM »
Code: (Color Tags.cs) [Select]
function GetSlidingColorTag(%value, %list)
if((%fields = getFieldCount(%list)) == 0) return "\c6";
if(getWordCount(%field = getField(%list, %i)) != 2) return "\c6";
if(%taken[getWord(%field, 0)]) return "\c6"; %taken[getWord(%field, 0)] = 1;
%field = getField(%list, %i);
%val = getWord(%field, 0);
if(%val >= %value && (%val < %maxVal || %maxVal $= ""))
{ %maxVal = %val; %maxColor = getWord(%field, 1); }
if(%val <= %value && (%val > %minVal || %minVal $= ""))
{ %minVal = %val; %minColor = getWord(%field, 1); }
if(%minVal == %value || %maxVal $= "") return "<color:"@%minColor@">";
if(%maxVal == %value || %minVal $= "") return "<color:"@%maxColor@">";
%diff = %maxVal - %minVal; %pos = (%value - %minVal) / %diff; %minAmt = 1 - %pos; %maxAmt = %pos;
%minVector = SC_ByteToValue(getSubStr(%minColor, 0, 2)) SPC SC_ByteToValue(getSubStr(%minColor, 2, 2)) SPC SC_ByteToValue(getSubStr(%minColor, 4, 2));
%maxVector = SC_ByteToValue(getSubStr(%maxColor, 0, 2)) SPC SC_ByteToValue(getSubStr(%maxColor, 2, 2)) SPC SC_ByteToValue(getSubStr(%maxColor, 4, 2));
%colVector = vectorAdd(vectorScale(%minVector, %minAmt), vectorScale(%maxVector, %maxAmt));
for(%i=0;%i<3;%i++) %tag = %tag @ SC_ValueToByte(getWord(%colVector, %i));
return "<color:"@%tag@">";

function SC_ByteToValue(%byte)
%c = getSubStr(%byte, %i, 1);
case "A": %c = 10;
case "B": %c = 11;
case "C": %c = 12;
case "D": %c = 13;
case "E": %c = 14;
case "F": %c = 15;
%c[%i] = %c;
return (%c0*16) + %c1;

function SC_ValueToByte(%value)
%c0 = mFloor(%value / 16);
%c1 = mFloor(%value) - (%c0 * 16);
case 10: %c[%i] = "A";
case 11: %c[%i] = "B";
case 12: %c[%i] = "C";
case 13: %c[%i] = "D";
case 14: %c[%i] = "E";
case 15: %c[%i] = "F";
return %c0@%c1;


GetSlidingColorTag(%value, %list);
%value - any integer or decimal value.
%list - a list containing all color tags and their respective values, denoted by a space.
    Example: "100.001 FFFFFF   100 00FF00   50 FFFF00   0 FF0000"
Notes: If your list is incorrectly formatted, \c6 is returned by default. If the value is outside the bounds, the closest tag is used.

Drama / Xaos - Yeah, you totally thought of that name on your own.
« on: January 13, 2013, 07:57:17 PM »
Wonderful. Now I have another imposter named "Xaos". What an odd coincidence.

The coincidence being that he decided to make his name exactly the same as mine sans one letter.

Him getting defensive and assholish for no reason - assuming, of course, his story is true and his name is original.
His name history doesn't exactly help his case either, seeing as his other name is mine with a bunch of numbers slapped on the end.


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