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Topics - Xalos

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Modification Help / Trouble Creating a Visible Projectile
« on: May 29, 2011, 07:59:16 PM »
I'm clearly missing something here, but I don't know what that is.

I'm trying to create a Projectile which has a purplish emitter hanging in the air behind it, but there isn't actually a trail.

Code: [Select]
datablock ParticleData(DeathrayParticle)
dragCoefficient = 0;
gravityCoefficient = 0;
inheritedVelFactor = 0;
constantAcceleration = 0;
lifetimeMS = 500;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
spinSpeed = 0;
spinRandomMin = 0;
spinRandomMax = 0;
textureName = "base/data/particles/cloud";
colors[0] = "0.6 0 1 1";
sizes[0] = 1;
times[0] = 0;
colors[1] = "0 0 0 0";
sizes[1] = 1;
times[1] = 1;
useInvAlpha = false;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(DeathrayEmitter)
lifetimeMS = 10000;
ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
particles = "DeathrayParticle";

datablock projectileData(DeathrayProjectile)
directDamageType = $DamageType::Deathray;
directDamage = 10000;
particleEmitter = DeathrayEmitter;
uiName = "";

Forum Games / Let's Build: Brintston
« on: February 21, 2011, 02:16:07 PM »
Let's Build: Brintston

How It Works

As with the similar thread following the progress of San Ramon, this thread will have community decisions based on a poll. However, things will be a little different. For example: There will be an actual need for resources, which, in the case of wood, you can get by chopping down trees; in the case of steel, you can get by mining for steel then refining it; in the case of -- well you get the point.


Various choices you make will have impact on later -- and sometimes immediate -- gameplay. For example, if you decide to reclaim farmland and don't put anything on it, and while there's nothing there a heavy rainstorm comes, the soil there might wash away and become ruined. There will be various other groups which you will eventually have to interact with. If you shoot them dead, then a loving war will start.

Lack of omniscience

If there is a hidden village that you cannot see, I will hide it on the world landscape so that you cannot, well, see it. However, direct signs of lack of trees in logically forest-like areas may point to as-of-yet unseen villages at a location.

I somehow accidentally put a poll time limit on the first thread, which can be found here. We're picking up from this point:

More roads need to be built, and there's going to be housing built if any road is built.

If you choose to build nothing, then nothing changes.
If you choose to build a road, the blue housing is built and the used-to-be curve becomes what's shown by yellow.

Believe it or not, this decision will have signifigant impact in future events.

Forum Games / Let's Build: Brintston
« on: February 20, 2011, 04:20:02 AM »
Let's Build: Brintston

How It Works

As with the similar thread following the progress of San Ramon, this thread will have community decisions based on a poll. However, things will be a little different. For example: There will be an actual need for resources, which, in the case of wood, you can get by chopping down trees; in the case of steel, you can get by mining for steel then refining it; in the case of -- well you get the point.


Various choices you make will have impact on later -- and sometimes immediate -- gameplay. For example, if you decide to reclaim farmland and don't put anything on it, and while there's nothing there a heavy rainstorm comes, the soil there might wash away and become ruined. There will be various other groups which you will eventually have to interact with. If you shoot them dead, then a loving war will start.

Lack of omniscience

If there is a hidden village that you cannot see, I will hide it on the world landscape so that you cannot, well, see it. However, direct signs of lack of trees in logically forest-like areas may point to as-of-yet unseen villages at a location.

Well, that's that, so let's get to it!
The first decision the new government (played by us, how exciting!) needs to make is where to put the lumbermill.

As you can see, there are two suitable locations. In my opinion, the blue one seems to be the better choice, as it's not restricted by the waterline of the harbor.

Add-Ons / System_Poll
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:18:55 PM »
A simple (?) base to make pretty much any kind of poll that you can want to make.

Included with the mod (unless you remove EXAMPLE.cs or EXAMPLE2.cs) are two functions, both with time limits.

/votekick [name]
/voteban [name] [time]   (Note: A time of -1 is a permaban. Also, longer times increase the threshold.)
/setVBmsg [message]   (Sets the voteban message.)

"/setVBmsg ...and he's outta here!" will set the voteban message to "...and he's outta here!", not "...and" or "...and_he's_outta_here!".


Note: Although the voteban message is saved as a preference, there is no default for it.

This file was originally submitted to RTB, but due to delays, I have decided to post it here.

If anyone finds any bugs, please tell me what they are so I can fix them.

Forum Games / Crack That Code!
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:24:34 PM »
Basically, you make an simple encryption system, encrypt a basic message that has some fairly obvious words, and see if anyone can decrypt it.

Here's mine:

Code: [Select]
J vjkpm lw'v e kfnwqd yglk ila bpib wxwn yp jzf iuxx penpx hvwg fjxrzan.
Uijt okijv vhhp pmoi ymj iujk pz kwuxtmf; uz ernyvgl, yj'i aljk s labym un xzmovdi lqjypqwpekj.
Ifsf't c klqw almgl nx aykrkyy: jzf'ww tmhq fbyirq hvs rdst je xvk lzak fxlltzx!
Ju uvctvu dv e xnruqj xuz-1 jpwoly. Ng soqv heprt, afujwskw max mbczn vhjpio kja. Cv hdfk gsqqe ymj tshkx pz w.
Gps ugokeqnqpu lqfuhdvh xli xmnky zu aoyll, myvyxc dstqe uf sbhe. Max zoff nojk eo cfsb.
Tipvme vjg urwdwlrq viegl ejwt, rcux jqnjm yxo -- iq'dq onpx oh gdi-1.
...Y'c efk vgafy oxkr qyff vo atlhwejejc qefp, bn K?

If you're feeling generous, you can give hints. I won't give out any hints for mine :3

Off Topic / Crack That Code!
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:18:11 PM »
Basically, you make an simple encryption system, encrypt a basic message that has some fairly obvious words, and see if anyone can decrypt it.

Here's mine:

Code: [Select]
J vjkpm lw'v e kfnwqd yglk ila bpib wxwn yp jzf iuxx penpx hvwg fjxrzan.
Uijt okijv vhhp pmoi ymj iujk pz kwuxtmf; uz ernyvgl, yj'i aljk s labym un xzmovdi lqjypqwpekj.
Ifsf't c klqw almgl nx aykrkyy: jzf'ww tmhq fbyirq hvs rdst je xvk lzak fxlltzx!
Ju uvctvu dv e xnruqj xuz-1 jpwoly. Ng soqv heprt, afujwskw max mbczn vhjpio kja. Cv hdfk gsqqe ymj tshkx pz w.
Gps ugokeqnqpu lqfuhdvh xli xmnky zu aoyll, myvyxc dstqe uf sbhe. Max zoff nojk eo cfsb.
Tipvme vjg urwdwlrq viegl ejwt, rcux jqnjm yxo -- iq'dq onpx oh gdi-1.
...Y'c efk vgafy oxkr qyff vo atlhwejejc qefp, bn K?

If you're feeling generous, you can give hints. I won't give out any hints for mine :3

Modification Help / Making functions in custom-defined scriptObjects
« on: December 10, 2010, 11:33:03 PM »
I've gotten it to work for defining variables in scriptObjects:
Code: [Select]
$test = new scriptObject(){test = 1;}echo($test.test);
but I haven't been able to get any variation of defining a function to work. Does anyone know how to do this, or is it just not possible? Thanks.

EDIT: In a master-child-child scenario, how does one make a list object? I tried listObject as the simplest choice, but unsurprisingly it did not work.

Code: [Select]
==>$master = new scriptObject(){exists = 1;};
==>$child = new scriptObject(){master = $master;};

How can I make $master in this example have a list to the children that it owns?

Help / Blockland Save Format
« on: November 26, 2010, 05:22:42 PM »
I'm trying to make a program which can look at and save .bls files correctly. There are only a couple of things I haven't figured out. I'll tell you what they are:

The second line, right beneath the "You're incompetent so don't edit this" line, is a "1". I have no idea what this does or represents, but it's alwawys a 1 for me.
Then there's the colorset. Already figured that out.

The brick format is:
[Datablock name]" [Central position] [?] [Connected to the ground] [Color]  [?] [?] [Raycasting] [Collision] [Rendering]
Obviously, I don't know what the ?'s do and they're always 0's for me.

Those are the four things which I haven't puzzled out and I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me what they are.

Modification Help / Changing a Client-Sided Variable
« on: November 23, 2010, 01:19:12 AM »
Is there any way for a server-sided script with no client-sided components to temporarily change athe client's variable, while and only while they're on that server?

I.E. forcing:
$pref::visibleDistanceMax = "1000";


Drama / Stolen LTWTDM: sgt.Reobock has taken my build.
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:19:31 PM »
Code: [Select]
Xalos 11239 sgt.Reobock 21434 Do not steal my builds. Stealing a build is defined as taking it without asking and giving no credit to the author. -1 -1I was browsing the server list, because my server's ability to show up on the master list has gone to zero since the v18 update. (Yes, I updated it.)

I notice one server: "sgt.Reobock's Trench Wars"
I realize that this person came to my server not that long ago. I decide to join, and I'm INSTANTLY suspicious when he says "i made it" "maybe"
I spawn. I don't need to ghost for 2 seconds before I recognize the skybox, lava, and ground of my own lava trench warfare team deathmatch server's map.

I then say "How, just how did I guess?" and three seconds later get an invalid fxSomethingOrOther. I rejoin, and about five seconds later, the server shuts down.

The welcome message of the server is "Hello, %1!"
I don't know if there's some hidden mention of "Xalos made this build" in "Hello, Xalos!" but I certainly can't find it.

I wouldn't have been suspicious if he hadn't acted so shifty -- until I spawned.
In fact the first thing I say is "That's new." "Downloading File Manifest" which is, of course, something you should invariably expect someone to reply to with "i made it" "maybe" because only Badspot made it.

Modification Help / Loading a server-sided save onto a dedicated server
« on: October 02, 2010, 01:01:18 AM »
Before someone tells me to use
Code: [Select]
schedule(1000,0,serverDirectSaveFileLoad,"Saves/Slate/Lava Trench Wars "@$mapVers@".bls", 3, "", 0, 1);I should like to point out that's what I am already doing. This gives the following error in the dedicated.bat console:
Code: [Select]
ERROR: ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick() - $LoadingBricks_BrickGroup does not exist!
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick
As best I can infer from this, ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick() isn't working in the way it's supposed to.

If anyone knows how to make this work, then I would be quite thankful.

Add-Ons / Server_PlayerAbil
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:50:56 AM »
A simple addon that essentially allows you to toggle some of the player's abilities.

This is broken up into four abilities; Self Delete, lights, (all) emotes, and the wand.
There is an RTB preference for each one and another one call "Set to Default" which returns each preference to its default. This is something I want when I need to reset one addon's prefs without needing to then redo all my other prefs.

The emotes affected are Alarm, Confusion, Hate, Hug, Love, Sit, Wtf, and Zombie, and you can have an exception for any two of the above.

One more feature is that this overwrites servercmdRealBrickCount with servercmdBrickCount.

Direct Download

Thanks to the following:
  • Julius The 1st for giving me the original code snippets for disabling or enabling Self Delete.
  • Kalphiter for pointing out that Julius's function causes console spam when you try to Self Delete while dead.
  • Iban for the Healthbar mod, which gave me the arguments for the RTB pref function.
  • Various sources from which I figured out that Parent::* can only be used in a package.
  • Console for pointing out errors, albiet inaccurately.
  • Ephialtes for making RTB which in turn made this addon possible.
  • Last but not least, Badspot for making Blockland.

Note: This addon was tested on a fresh, non-demo install of Blockland with only RTB and default addons. If this addon does not work for you, it's not my fault. Furthermore, I fixed the aforementioned console spam, so any console spam is not my fault either.

Currently on v2.

Help / Client Center/Bottomprint Alignment
« on: September 01, 2010, 04:52:18 PM »
I know it's possible to change the alignment of client Print messages, but I don't know how. Anyone know the tag for this?

Drama / Idiot servergoers these days...
« on: August 15, 2010, 06:24:41 PM »
Don't you just hate it when some idiot waltzes in and either doesn't read the rules, bitches about everything, or randomly insults you for no reason?

The first example is when someone named "SGT.sniperkahn" ragequits because he doesn't read the rules, snipes me while he's a builder, and is then surprised when I revoke his builder rights. (BuildER, not buildING. Take care to note suffixes.)

The greeting message:
\c2Welcome to my Trenchwar, \c1%1\c2! \c7Please remember to read the \c6/rules\7.
(Or that is: Welcome to my Trenchwar, %1! Please remember to read the /rules.)

There is a zone in the base entrance arch that says "Please remember to read /rules." the first time a client walks through.

I mean really, I flash it right in front of your face twice. How? HOW can you manage to miss it?

The rules are:
Trench Wars Rules
Do not leech bricks from other's defenses.
Don't buildkill. People with their lights on are builders.
Builder abuse: As soon as you shoot others while in a builder mode,
you loose builder priveledges. Forever.
Builder abuse: Do not dig or place blocks in quadrants other than that
of your own team. If you do so, you're fair game.

The image:

The second example is when some handicap named "PRINCESS PEACH PIE" comes in, and says "fu ck you" and "JACK A SS" after I perfectly politely say "Hi there" while privately thinking much less polite thoughts. Sue me, I'm a namist. It's called "first impression", it comes with human bias. Which comes with the body and brain.

I then banned him/her/it permanently with a much less polite message than the original "Hi there".

The image:

S/he/It was apparently unaware I didn't have my curse filters on, because I'm not one of those OGM CORSAR people.

On a side note, I really crack down on people breaking my rules. I won't put up with it.
Does that make me a badmin or is it just that all the other hosts nowadays are too lenient in enforcing their rules?

Sorry if the formatting is badly done, I've never made/wanted to make/needed to make a drama thread before.

Gallery / Demo Randomizing Passcoded Door
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:35:12 PM »
Yes, I have the full version. However, this uses only default events and is under the 150 brick limit.

The first password is "0000000", then, pay close attention. It gets really random after that.

It's not truly random, 5 and 0 have a .5/9 chance to be that digit, whereas 1-4 and 6-9 have a 1/9 chance. Also, I don't remember if this is the design of my first randomizing door or not.

WARNING: Fragile. Do not enter the path of projectiles. Do not cause explosions to occur near the machinery. Do not hammer random objects.

Update: Whoops, the Enter button used the projectile bank to clear the memory.
Update: Lost the projectile bank.
Update: Now I remember why it needed the projectile bank...

Anything I should add?

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