Author Topic: [NEWS] New "Doom" movie possibly in the works trolls leave my thread  (Read 3579 times)

Doom II: Return of Jafar

please please please please no "doomgirl" bullstuff i came here to download some doomwads

she isnt even wearing REAL glasses in that image... she's obviously unfit for the role. whoever she is.

she isnt even wearing REAL glasses in that image... she's obviously unfit for the role. whoever she is.
oh stuff i didn't even notice they were just a filter at first

I wanted district 9 part II

the first doom movie will always be the best

i hope it's a terry trap

uhh... can you turn the pagestretch down a notch? :/
get a bigger monitor 1280x1024 noob

get a bigger monitor 1280x1024 noob

Literally takes up the entirety of my screen at 1440, eat wiener. Please scale down.

they may have swapped the genders for the main cast of ghostbusters but no sane person would swap doomguy for doomgirl unless they want their movie to fail

the actress is clearly the role for olivia peirce, she looks almost forgeten identical, probably because movie makeup