Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8803702 times)



  O   O
\ /vvvv\ /
 V ^^^ V

Mine only works right in notepad++ :/

GAH.  Wtf, how are you 14.  You look so much younger.

younger picture maybe?

Me at this exact moment, taken to prove to one of my friends that I can look bad.

Lol my turn (Sunniez lulz):

One of Christ Normal -

And one of Christ on White Aeroplanes :O (Lol drugs) -

You look exactly like someone from my school minus the beanie and the bleached white skin.

[edit] whoops quoted pictures
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 12:48:36 AM by ladios »

omg scene kids on forums haha

LOOOOL Get a life, Im not scene.

what how do i need a life

and you cant not be scene with those glasses :(

what how do i need a life

and you cant not be scene with those glasses :(

You really have no idea what a scene kid is don't you. Unless scene kids look like that where your from, In Australia they don't.

You really have no idea what a scene kid is don't you. Unless scene kids look like that where your from, In Australia they don't.
Stop ruining our Country dammit.