Author Topic: [Brick] Microheads  (Read 3589 times)


Two bricks with the combined height of a 1x1x2 that can lead to many interesting creations. Based on Lego Microfigures.


This uses prints from, by the way. You'll need to download it to be able to print faces on your bricky boys.

I'll turn this into a playertype if enough people are interested i guess
« Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 07:41:59 PM by TheDuffman »

but you forgot to add a download link,

holy forget that’s adorable
but you forgot to add a download link,

Yeah yeah I fixed it. Pressed Alt-S by accident.

blockland board game when

Really cool! Also, please make these a playertype that'd be so funny

Really cool! Also, please make these a playertype that'd be so funny
Really cool! Also, please make these a playertype that'd be so funny
Really cool! Also, please make these a playertype that'd be so funny

lol it's perfect i love em