Author Topic: Mage Stuff  (Read 338 times)

So I am working on making a Mage RPG and the are a few things I need to make this work the way I want
I need:
1) A Power/Magic Blast with levels 1-10 1 being weak and ten being Really powerful. The Power/Magic Blast is basically a Normal magic projectile that you shoot from your hand.
2) Element Blasts. What this would be is Fire, Earth, Ice, and Lightning. Fire will have a Burn effect over time. Ice will freeze your opponent for a little time. Earth will shake the players screen. Lightning will stun the enemy. Note: it should be a chance not an every time deal
3) Staffs. I need staffs that can do melee with different damages. I was think in order from weakest to strongest; Wood, Stone, Spiked Stone, and Magic
4) Some Magic AI that can fight. I need some Magic AI varying in how hard they are to beat and be a little different. I'm thinking for this 2 difficulties with Melee, 5 difficulties with ranged, and 2-5 magical animals
5)Armor: 5 levels each increasing shield level. I'm thinking the concept is like the shield in Borderlands but not the model of it.

I know we have spells and stuff but I want something unique like this. I've been using kinda the spells and stuff but they just don't fit with what I want.

The story of the RPG just to give you a sense why I need these, is that this evil necromancer is terrorizing your village and you must train and gain entrance to the evil guy's fortress to kill the bad guy and win. In the game you can level up to gain stronger weapons and armor (Note: this is a very brief storyline there's more to the story).