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Messages - Space1255

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yes. if you didn't get an email you didnt have an account associated with the email you checked.

in addition, your blid associated with your forum account doesnt show up in the database, so unless you were using a different one you are fine.
Got it! My passwords are super outdated so I might change them anyways. Thank you for answering!

I'm seeing some people saying they got e-mails being informed about the data breach, but I don't even remember if I made a Glass account or what, but since I'm stupid and keep reusing passwords, I'm gonna ask anyways: If I did make a Glass account, would I just have been sent an e-mail to the one I used to make it?

General Discussion / Re: Biggest Regrets?
« on: March 13, 2022, 12:59:05 PM »
Giving up on my RPG projects way too easily. They were honestly really good learning experiences, but I felt like every time I hit a hiccup, I'd just rework the entire thing from scratch instead of addressing that one hiccup, which molded into a REALLY bad work ethic that I'm still trying to shake off.

« on: May 02, 2020, 10:49:33 PM »

« on: May 02, 2020, 09:47:42 PM »
my profile pic has never felt so relevant

Help / Re: Unable to load on Graffiti Cat's Mafia Madness Plus
« on: February 09, 2020, 02:00:27 PM »
It wasn't the problem.

Help / Re: Unable to load on Graffiti Cat's Mafia Madness Plus
« on: February 09, 2020, 01:58:01 PM »
Hmm, I wonder if my 2.67 GB cache has something to do with why I can't load anything. Going to test to see if deleting it helps.

Help / Unable to load on Graffiti Cat's Mafia Madness Plus
« on: February 09, 2020, 01:46:06 PM »
Whenever I attempt to load data blocks on this server, I always immediately crash. The pasted version of my console.log can be found here ( ), and I used trace(1); to ensure nothing would be missing.

Suggestions & Requests / Streamlined Small Ramps Tetras?
« on: August 12, 2018, 04:33:45 PM »
Basically, I want a variation of the Small Ramps tetras packs that doesn't have that plate-high section on the bottom, something like this:

However, the only tetras I can use have that edge:

Drama / Re: Soviet Narwhal - Baiting Arguments
« on: August 03, 2018, 11:39:29 AM »
I am, but you're proving his point by getting so riled up over me just thinking a certain thing based on the context of the situation. I'll admit that Tip could have handled it better, but you also definitely could have handled it better by just having kept him blocked, or even avoided it by ignoring the notification at all.

Drama / Re: Soviet Narwhal - Baiting Arguments
« on: August 03, 2018, 11:24:55 AM »
I did just provide evidence that you took the screenshot out of context, if you can be assed to read anything

Drama / Re: Soviet Narwhal - Baiting Arguments
« on: August 03, 2018, 11:12:51 AM »
Third post, sorry. Got the original context from the dude.
Soviet Narwhal is literally using altered evidence to push his agenda and try and tarnish someone else’s
Reputation. Fantastic.

Drama / Re: Soviet Narwhal - Baiting Arguments
« on: August 03, 2018, 11:07:14 AM »
Forgot there’s no editing here. There’s also a fairly large window of time between the two screenshots,
Too. One from today at like 6 AM, and others yesterday during more reasonable times. I’m skeptical of the first screenshot you posted.

Drama / Re: Soviet Narwhal - Baiting Arguments
« on: August 03, 2018, 11:02:40 AM »
how is this related to blockland at all? you were also the one sending me messages in discord non stop then when i go to respond you delete them, also you told me you were ice freeze and you're clearly not. not to mention you're encouraging me to message you

also whats with linking a handicapped drama that doesn't apply to this topic at all? first of all this isnt bl related and second of all that drama is from april
Quick question: is that first screen from before it was ‘deleted’ (quotes for now), or from during the argument? And why didn’t you post context for it, or even the ‘start of your conversation with so and so’ banner thing?

Basically, i'm looking for a set of round bricks that are in between a 1x2 area, kind of like the stud of a LEGO Jumper plate, for both vertical and horizontal variants. Would that be doable?

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