Author Topic: Theme - Zetro Ui V01  (Read 8847 times)

These all look almost exactly the same.
This is basically an update to my Modern Ui, they look similar but are not the same.

If all these flat themes are bugging the crap out of you I suppose I can start to work on a pixel, or brick based one or something, maybe a 16bit theme.

will this overwrite the servers custom chat color? or slayers?
Its literally as native has the default chat, you won't notice its an addon at all.

will this overwrite the servers custom chat color? or slayers?

only thing i dont like is the fact that the paint can still has blue color in the middle

only thing i dont like is the fact that the paint can still has blue color in the middle

This is something we're working on.

Also, OP should upload to here:

This is something we're working on.

Also, OP should upload to here:
Probably will do, I'd rather want to have themes compatible with support_updater, because if I mirror it I have to update the mirror all the time as well.

First update coming soon guys, adds white text buttons to the Main menu, and removes that stupid line I left behind the text in the loading screen, also need ideas for loading background, if someone who is really good with could make a minimalist flat background with brick like tiles  or something it would be great, and try to keep it grayscale but different tones of it.