Author Topic: captain pyro but part 2  (Read 1341 times)

SO I went onto his merp, and looked around and afk'd for a bit.
I come back, and he says 'oh this biome is airless' and I question his logic, saying that is impossible.
So we argue a tiny bit more, explaining why it isn't possible and then he bans me.

pic of ban :

sorry for no chatlogs but uhm visolator's chat logger didn't log the server I am confused by this

Nevermind, friend reminded me that console.log exists.
Pics :
Him saying it is impossible -

Me saying why it isn't and how that is stupid -

Logger fails if the server name has something funky (or you have a mac), will be fixed in the future

I can agree that Captain Pyro is incapable of using admin and he also whines everytime he's in an arguement  /support

isint he captian hoovy

isint he captian hoovy
No but i assume he could be affiliated with him.