Author Topic: ThatBlackCop, ID 22661, petty DDOS  (Read 11242 times)

ok you guys don't seem to understand, that is LolCatzCo not LolCatz Co. the thing you posted with the image of past names, that lolcatz is not Techiastronamo, that is probably Germst using a alias modeled after Tech...I'm not sure why he would do that, and also, that is NOT the real LolCatz Co.'s BL_ID.

Theblackcop actually did one good thing.
He ddosed a server hosted by a complete rude, ignorant person.
Goodjob hacker.
also badjob.

Theblackcop actually did one good thing.
He ddosed a server hosted by a complete rude, ignorant person.
Goodjob hacker.
also badjob.
alxetora isn't ignorant and almost anything rude said in a merp server is joking unless you are literally that bad that you get insulted
in fact his server is one of the nicest merps i've ever seen hosted

i'm being ddosed again, not sure if it's thatblackcop though
it happened out of the blue, no people coming to warn me or anything Burleson, Texas
Just checked this address against the Boss Battles server logs. Apparently "Smooth" (7353) has connected before under that address. Also known as "Smooth McGroove" at some point.

I'd also like to point out that I've created a way to defend against this kind of DDoS, and have it implemented on BlockNet high performance servers now. Hopefully it will start to discourage attacks future attacks on the community overall.

Just checked this address against the Boss Battles server logs. Apparently "Smooth" (7353) has connected before under that address. Also known as "Smooth McGroove" at some point.

I'd also like to point out that I've created a way to defend against this kind of DDoS, and have it implemented on BlockNet high performance servers now. Hopefully it will start to discourage attacks future attacks on the community overall.
Smooth joined Iphones and spam connected and left, crashing the server

I didn't expect that from Smooth

Blockland is scary thanks to people like this. x3

a blocklander doxed me because he was autobanned from one of my servers

a blocklander doxed me because he was autobanned from one of my servers
exact reason why giving out personal information is dumb

exact reason why giving out personal information is dumb
it was tied to my domain