Author Topic: [Brick]Brick Box  (Read 4450 times)

Brick Box
I made a brick box for Simba's Zombie Gamemode which came with some good use, but I figured I'd throw it out there for anybody else that could use it.

Just a box, nothing special. Has correct UV-mapping, and opens and closes using door events. Green part is color-able.


could you be so kind as to post the .blend of the brick as well for newbies to uv mapping like me ty :)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 12:46:34 AM by RallyBlock »

holy crap this is a great brick

could you be so kind as to post the .blend of the brick as well for newbies to uv mapping like me ty :)

Added download for the blend, I used General's blb converter, I haven't used Demain's Blb exporter yet so I'm not sure if it works with that without some modification.

Also I got the exact uv coordinates for the side textures using Zeblote's UV Calculator here. The Rest of the textures were UV-mapped by hand and is pretty straight forward.

inb4 trogtor complains about the fact that it can already be made with actual bricks

it can already be made with actual bricks

very nice. it looks like you could even fit a chest in there