Author Topic: [Weapon Pack] SWeps v1.3 (Upcoming updates post on page 16)  (Read 64122 times)

why not make revolver raycast?
then it'll be as strong as sniper rifle

swAllow can i use your sounds for my gun packs
i give credits :(((((((((((((
i cant find good sounds

do make a wood skin for the magnum for the lever thing
and a colt for the ak

why not make revolver raycast?
this has nothing to do with delay between clicking on the client side and firing on the server

swAllow can i use your sounds for my gun packs
i give credits :(((((((((((((
i cant find good sounds
they're ripped and edited mostly from fallout 4 each sound is tailored specifically for the gun I don't know why you would want to copy my gun sounds that are already used and made specifically for these guns but be my guest

do make a wood skin for the magnum for the lever thing
and a colt for the ak
I did want to make a cowboy skin for the revolver

Will we ever get dual wield?

Will we ever get dual wield?
seems like a dumb gimmick that has no gameplay or practical purpose but I've been considering it

seems like a dumb gimmick that has no gameplay or practical purpose but I've been considering it
dual weld pistols/smgs would be sick

revolver update is good, there's enough handheld sniper magnums out there.

wwooooo putting the old ar15 model to sleep

wwooooo putting the old ar15 model to sleep
holy shhit thank you

the AR looks waaaaaayyyyy better thank you Swollow!

could you do a version of the sniper with a proper scope?

could you do a version of the sniper with a proper scope?
the reason the scope is like that is so you can actually see instead of having your visibility decreased to a 5 pixel circle, if blockland had some way for me to make a magnified scope then I would do that but there isn't a way without some stuffty client mod that no one will download

Edit: The old AR15 model was literally made over a year ago, christ
« Last Edit: December 27, 2017, 05:51:59 PM by Swollow »

Oh yea fair enough, well do you have any plans for new weapons in the near future? More melee stuff like a fire axe or pan would be cool. A different kind of smg like an UMP or MP5, or a semi-auto sniper like a DMR or SVD would also be neato.

edit i just looked at the previous page oops.

Revolver now fires by holding down to rooster
weaponpack is gay af.