Author Topic: My apology I did in like 5 seconds  (Read 8248 times)  Turn up your headsets because i'm very silent also this also counts as a i'm leaving so you did it go celebrate

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« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 10:56:26 PM by Badspot »

who needs effort anyway?

« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 07:29:15 PM by cooolguy32 »

I'm growing up by leaving
he means do a real apology and not a half assed sarcastic one

he means do a real apology and not a half assed sarcastic one

Oh well i'm lazy

want some advice from an irresponsible adult?

its more important to not give a stuff at all then to apologize for ANYTHING.

oh alright then bye i guess

Are you a transgender child?