Author Topic: Ninja Pirate's Blockland Shorts  (Read 820 times)

Random short videos I made in Blockland or are based around Blockland.

Day in The Life of Ninja Pirate
#1: Skiing
#2: Swimming
#3: Space!

Blockland Shorts
Pull The Lever
Dramatic Blockhead
Some Random Video Made Randomly With Some Random Randomness Randomly Thrown In
Freakin FFC
Um... What?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:30:47 AM by GenaralSkar »

I liked the last one.
And the other two but the last one was the best.

I like them. Make more please.

Do one where GLaDOS is a potato

LOL, cool that you've made videos of my motel and spammy colorhelix drop.

You have done well, honorable pirate.

They should have at least some connection to each other.

And the first one was best, even though it was just skiing: the first person with no HUD is a great view.

Your skiing one reminds me of this video:
Your space one reminds me of this video:

I renamed the topic because I couldn't think of any ideas for Day in The Life of Ninja Pirate, so now this includes all other Blockland shorts I have made.

Super random shorts... My favorite is Space but Pull the Lever was amazing too :)