Author Topic: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor  (Read 3030 times)

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Carve a Path Through History

It is the era of an Old Horde, forged with steel rather than fel blood. A union of great orc clans, the Iron Horde, tramples the planet Draenor beneath terrifying war machines. Azeroth falls next. Worlds uncounted will follow.

You must mount a desperate charge on Draenor – savage home of orcs and adopted bastion of stoic draenei – at this pivotal moment. Your allies are legends from across time; your fortress a foothold in an alien land. Lead the armies of one world against another…before the future itself is unmade.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Announcement Trailer
Warlords of Draenor: Faction Zones (EU)

New character models!

Take Command on Draenor

To clash with the greatest army Draenor has ever known, you’ll need your own forces and your own fortress. Construct a mighty garrison: an enduring home base integrated seamlessly with the world, not a hiding spot far from the action. Customize it with specialized structures like farms, stables, armories, workshops and more.
Establish trade routes and unlock new quests, gear and pets to support your war for Draenor. Recruit stalwart followers to man your base, and send them to loot dungeons, fulfill missions, and craft items, even if you’re offline. Tame a deadly realm, and build an unbreakable monument to victory.

TL:DR - Sunsong Ranch x10

Arise a Champion

Opposing the Iron Horde are the heroes of Azeroth—at the heights of power they’ve always been destined for. Even if you’re new or returning to the game, Warlords empowers you to immediately upgrade one of your characters to level 90 and master new abilities at the gateway to Draenor, so that you can charge into grand combat right away. Play the races and classes you’ve always wanted to try, wage war alongside your friends, and take your place among Warcraft’s finest.

TL:DR - one free level 90

The new continent

Copy/pasted feature list
New continent of Draenor (7 zones, 1 PvP zone)
Build and upgrade your Garrison
A level 90 character upgrade—play immediately!
New player character models
6 new Dungeons and 2 new Raids
Heroic versions of 2 classic Dungeons
New Challenge modes
New Battlegrounds and World Bosses
New Normal and Heroic Scenarios
Level cap raised to 100
New class talents and permanent ability bonuses
Refined quest system with hundreds of new quests
. . . and more!

OP is credit to Paradon

thoughts on current problems in the game:
ferals and ret paladins are pretty strong in arenas due to high burst and high healing abilities
some tank specs are completely viable in pvp (Brewmaster for example)
arenas in general are in an odd spot, death knights can just stay full healed if you don't get them down fast enough
pve-wise some classes are in the stuff

I attempted to go back to wow, I can't, The movement is too stiff and it feels so old. gw2/ffxiv/rift have ruined it for me.

I attempted to go back to wow, I can't, The movement is too stiff and it feels so old. gw2/ffxiv/rift have ruined it for me.
well personally with the new models/having recently gotten a new computer that can easily run higher settings it feels
livelier than the old
which i am enjoying very much
unless you mean like movement in terms of moving which is fair
but i guess going from 15-25fps to 60+ consistently also makes a difference

i tried to get into world of warcraft one time, but i couldn't. what turned me off the most was the fact i have to buy all of these expansion packs and a monthly membership. i think that's bullstuff.

i tried to get into world of warcraft one time, but i couldn't. what turned me off the most was the fact i have to buy all of these expansion packs and a monthly membership. i think that's bullstuff.
all of the expansions up to WoD are free wit the base game now
so it's not as awful as it was before
and when i first started a month of "wow this game is awesome" hype was enough to get me to 90 so that gives you all the time and stuff to decide if you actually like the game
although the subscription is a little steep but in my opinion there's a lot of content for the cost, and there are other games around the same cost with less content/other lame stuff

idk how how I feel about the instant level 90 thing, it seems like randoms would be clogged with newbies. I haven't played since MoP though.

always wanted to make a wow topic
idk i played through wod and did Auchindoun then just stopped
started another guy and im in TBC right now, zangarmarsh

damn that new undeead looks cool as hell

I was super excited when WoD came out but lost all interest right after I did the first wing of the new raid on LFR

Wait I can just go instantly to level 90?  Holy stuff the game is actually appealing now.  I stopped around level 24 or something because the game became a chore to me.

Wait I can just go instantly to level 90?  Holy stuff the game is actually appealing now.  I stopped around level 24 or something because the game became a chore to me.

you get 1 free level 90 for buying the new expansion.

I was super excited when WoD came out but lost all interest right after I did the first wing of the new raid on LFR
lfr is a joke you don't do stuff
i went afk as a tank and they were just fine for a boss and a half
it's a lot better with a real group and more "fun"
Wait I can just go instantly to level 90?  Holy stuff the game is actually appealing now.  I stopped around level 24 or something because the game became a chore to me.
yeah my dude, instant 90 boost and it slowly feeds you abilities so it doesnt dump a bunch of stuff on you

lfr is a joke you don't do stuff
i went afk as a tank and they were just fine for a boss and a half
it's a lot better with a real group and more "fun"

It's just not appealing at all anymore. The time between the launch and the first raid was also really boring.