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Messages - Arekan

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Drama / Re: Latest kidalex ban
« on: July 31, 2019, 03:09:26 PM »
If 'Arkenan' is supposed to be me then I'm disappointed in the spelling of my username

Off Topic / Re: Blockland Forums Tier List Creator v2
« on: June 11, 2019, 04:22:15 PM »
im sorry you still have to carry that burden Q_Q
its ok... i forgive...

Games / Re: ROBLOX Thread ⱽ⁴
« on: June 29, 2018, 10:13:36 AM »
that's something I legit don't get, like what does this whole new security thing have to do with age lol
Games without filtering enabled turned on allow exploiters to do whatever they would like with the game, which includes spawning things and interacting with everyone else's client. Filtering enabled basically makes it so clients will ONLY see changes that the server makes, which gets rid of 99.99% of exploits off the bat. With it off, it would be incredibly easy for an exploiter to send something to other players that prompts them for something mundane, like a password or something, in order to receive robux/something in the game. Bonus points if the prompt is made to look like it was properly in the game, stylized with the place. Anyone under 13 is more likely to fall for it, obviously.
A weird rule, but it does have some base besides money.

Games / Re: ROBLOX Thread ⱽ⁴
« on: June 28, 2018, 05:19:04 PM »

You've got a point with the Robux situation, but the only games that you cant play are ones that don't have Filtering Enabled turned on, and even then, you can only not play on them if your account is under 13 years old. All it takes is for the creator to turn that on and program the game to accommodate. Old games with creators that abandoned the platform get forgeted though.

More customization options, plus the ability to add custom models for each part which only work if the other players also have them, similar to decals. Would prevent griefing by making the model something really obnoxious and then joining other servers.

Custom loading screen images, more sound options, the ability to do clientsided scripting from the server (so guis and such will work even if the client doesn't have it downloaded, perhaps via a client .zip file that prompts the player to be downloaded/automatically applied before joining)

^^ Make it so servers can actually send clients all the files needed, so things like custom textures on a playertype will work correctly

Fix vehicle physics but give the option to set them back

Update the OpenAL file because it's literally just a matter of replacing the old file and suddenly all sounds are higher quality and none of them earrape you

An easier way to create addons by making it so script updates are detected and changed as you're testing, even if you're changing crucial parts of certain datablocks.

Find ways to potentially optimize shaders, as well as implement other post-processing options that can be messed with via the environment, such as godrays, lens flares, color correction and more.

Implement a system like Blockland Glass as a default thing.

Raise the download speed limit.

Add a way to tell when a sound starts, ends, and loops, so you can do things like incremental music smoothly.

Fix the tick system as best as possible so lag won't forget everything's timing up. ... If possible.

Off Topic / Re: dead malls
« on: March 26, 2018, 12:16:57 PM »
An abandoned anything is usually very interesting. Airports are pretty cool, especially if it was one of the newer and bigger ones.

Off Topic / Re: why did you stop playing blockland?
« on: January 26, 2018, 07:39:39 PM »
The prospect of making a very good gamemode is ruined by the fact that there's not many players, and those who are on are likely to join already established gamemodes - the same issue Garry's Mod has. I've completed a few gamemodes in the past and each time I've never broken above ten players.

Meanwhile, years ago, I could host servers and reliably get above 20 or even 30 players. Back then, I'd constantly make new gamemodes. Now, there's almost no motivation to as not many people are going to see it.

I'm trying to make a gamemode now but that motivation is very quickly dwindling because I don't think it'll get very far.

Off Topic / Re: Degenerate Netflix Vid Gets Crazy Dislikes
« on: January 05, 2018, 02:06:06 PM »
I dunno, but the comment section looks like a complete stuffshow. The video is pretty handicapped but at the same time people are making a big deal out of a special interest nobody's asking them to take part in. Same edgy deal with anybody who actually gives two stuffs about gay people.

Games / Re: PUBG
« on: January 03, 2018, 10:55:50 PM »
The fact that a 1080ti cant get more than 70fps stable is loving absurd.

Games / Re: (video) Why every game needs Bots
« on: December 27, 2017, 07:21:51 PM »
I miss going onto Counter-Strike: Source, and starting a custom match with 50 bots on it or something. One time, I even tried 100. That all-out warfare felt great.. though, extremely laggy.
I wish every game had some sort of bot system because it's just fun to forget around with.

Off Topic / Re: how do i make my mic sound bad?
« on: December 11, 2017, 03:15:55 PM »
An easy way in Audacity to make it sound bad would be to:
1. Choose 'Noise Reduction'
2. Get the noise profile of the entire clip
3. When choosing settings, make sure
- 'Noise Reduction' is at max (48db)
- Sensitivity is at a custom 0.10 (you'll have to put that in yourself since the slider only goes to 0.50)
- Frequency bands is at 12
- Set to 'Reduce' and not "Residue'
After that, the mic should sound realistically stuff, but we're not there yet.
4. Go into 'Equalizer' and down to the 'Curves' dropdown. Select 'Bass Cut' and then 'OK'
5. Lastly, use Amplify to get the volume back up if it turns out to be too quiet.

Doesn't remove quality (via things like setting the project rate all the way down) and sounds realistically stuff.

If you're going for obnoxious stuff quality, you could just use some distortion filter.

Games / Re: is there enough interest for an Escape From Tarkov megathread?
« on: November 20, 2017, 01:54:44 PM »
i want this but the developers are kind of shady unfortunately (something about you're preordering the game and not buying it so no refunds), so i'm waiting for development to finish before I look over it
gameplay looks fun af tho
The developers are insanely transparent and all of the information about updates is only conveyed through popular livestreamer's chats.

Moderators and developers alike will silence or ban users that bring up problems like desync or the fact that a game shouldn't require more than 8gb of RAM, often saying the same "This game is perfect" type thing that the rest of the community does.

The community is insanely elitist - if you don't like this game, you must be one of those CoD plebeians that enjoys simple, non-challenging gameplay.

The game itself is extremely flawed. Ever since an update came by that required you to do missions for traders to level them up, I quit the game almost entirely. The fact that doing the missions in a wrong order could screw you up and make it so you'll never be able to get level 4 on certain traders is a very bad design. The fact that you have to kill a certain amount of people in a small amount of time in a game that encourages slow, tactical gameplay is equally as bad. I sold and bought 4 million rubles worth of stuff from a trader and somehow he doesn't trust me enough to sell me better items - forget that. I hate these missions.

The game favors those who are more well equipped than you. This would be fine if the difference wasn't so massive - those with FORT armor (the best in the game) are basically unkillable if you don't have the best weapons, unless you aim strictly for the legs. (Apparently this is an OK excuse to use - like anybody who plays shooter games has the muscle memory to immediately aim at someone's feet in every game, forgetting that they're harder to hit than the head anyway) This is because FORT armor will eat multiple shotgun blasts point blank without so much as twitching the other person's screen, and they can eat almost an entire pistol mag to the head even in the open section of the helmet

The game bans users for things like having Cheat Engine open. Which would be fine if it only did it when you hooked Cheat Engine to the game, but it doesn't. This means that EFT could update its policy and start banning for other random programs that are completely innocent that you may have open. Isn't that big of a problem.

Xsolla is an extremely shifty company, but you have to use it if you pay via paypal. It sets up your payment as a subscription, and EFT's website has stuff for security, so if someone hacks into your account they can buy multiple copies of your game without needing them to sign in to paypal. No refunds are issued for that.

Streamers are highly privileged and are given special press kits with almost every item in the game, giving them a major advantage over you. If they lose all of them, they can just reset their progress and get all of it back.

.... The game is fun. I loved playing it. But I've been driven away from the buildup of stuff that's accumulated over time. I can only see this game failing hard.. if not by undelivered promises, it'll be by the game just not filling expectations / being way too exclusive to the elitist crowd.

people are obviously paid their salaries as they work on the game, but the profits they make off of a title determine how well the studio is able to develop new titles or continuously develop the title they just put out, and by extension, it determines the security of the jobs of the people who just finished working on the game
I would agree with job security flucatuating depending on how well a game sells, but I don't believe their pay is effected, so I don't like it when that is what is used as the face argument. Instead of "is it so bad that developers make more money?? :((" (which is false) they should just say, "The sales change the job security of the employees."

Ah, yes, because these companies didn't make enough money off of their golden legendary deluxe season pass editions of the game. Individual DLC purchases, sometimes subscription services.  Oh, and the massive amounts of merchandise that gets sold across a stupid amount of things like shirts to logos on a coffee mug. What about the sponsorships and partnerships with food companies? Ah, those are just rookie numbers.

I hope you realize that, if microtransactions weren't pulling through metric stufftons of money, they wouldn't add them, and they wouldn't try shoving it in your face as much as they could. There's a reason that developers add special editions of games, and it's because there's a market of people who have money and don't give two stuffs. They spend the money even if it's not worth it. Microtransactions are the same concept.

Also, no. Developers are paid the exact same amount if the game suddenly blows up or if the game doesn't do hot, give or take just a tiny bit of leeway there. The ones profiting off of a boost in sales are the higher ups.

I'm open for McJob to come by and refute everything I've said though. I'm only basing it off of speculation and personal experience.

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