Author Topic: Post Stories about breaking stuff when angry.  (Read 2219 times)

wtf yu guys have anger probelms

wtf yu guys have anger probelms

I had some serious anger issues when I was 10, nearly broke 3 game controllers over stupid crap, and almost broke a computer because it was too slow. I kept dying in Modern Warfare 3 on my Xbox 360 when it first came out, people were already at higher ranks than me.

Over the years I decide to not care as much when losing or dying, but if someone starts being a richard about it I'll eventually get pissed and want to beat them up for rubbing it in. Even when I get mad at losing/dying I eventually stop playing and decide to do something else, pretty much just shrugging it off.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 11:24:21 PM by Kyuande »

When I was in grade 1, I got so mad and threw my expensive glasses on the floor and stomped on them. Bad things happened.

In preschool I got in trouble for throwing chairs

oh boy i had major anger issues when i was younger

when i was like like 12-13 i punched the screen of my dad's desktop and i broke it
i was still able to play on it for a while but then it became really hard to see

i did the same on my mom's laptop too around the same time and then i wasn't able to use computers for a long time

i got older and once i was allowed to use computers again it never happened again. and now i have my own laptop and have had it for about a year without doing anything to it. time goes by and you grow up i guess

I was taking my anger out during love and I forgeted so hard I broke the condom. She's pregnant now.
Kiss your money goodbye

In preschool I got in trouble for throwing chairs
I flipped my desk in 4th grade and had to leave school for the day
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 07:06:14 AM by HooperScooper »

This isn't a story about anger but it's a story about breaking things so I figured I'd post it here:

When I used to go to boarding school we used to have mirror cabinets on our walls with our razors and bathroom stuff in them, and it was extra funny because if you hit your wall hard enough, you could make your room neighbor's medicine cabinet fly open and all their stuff would fall out. It started becoming a bit of a sport among the students and at one point I took it to the next level: I figured if I threw a heavy book at the wall it could generate enough energy over a large surface area to cause some REAL carnage.

Ended up throwing the book entirely through the loving wall, and it knocked the whole mirror cabinet off of my neighbor's wall and it shattered on the ground

This isn't a story about anger but it's a story about breaking things so I figured I'd post it here:

When I used to go to boarding school we used to have mirror cabinets on our walls with our razors and bathroom stuff in them, and it was extra funny because if you hit your wall hard enough, you could make your room neighbor's medicine cabinet fly open and all their stuff would fall out. It started becoming a bit of a sport among the students and at one point I took it to the next level: I figured if I threw a heavy book at the wall it could generate enough energy over a large surface area to cause some REAL carnage.

Ended up throwing the book entirely through the loving wall, and it knocked the whole mirror cabinet off of my neighbor's wall and it shattered on the ground

I think that was probably a bad idea

I have a couple scars on my knuckles because I have deep-seated problems with rage and I'm actually kinda ashamed of it, thankfully I live alone for most of the year so when I have outbursts there's usually nobody around to see it.

Some funny ones would be like when I slammed two sliding glass doors so hard the glass shattered, I wrestled a lamp to the ground as if it was a human being and shattered it all over the place (kek), and one time I punched through my bedroom door because somebody told me I should make an "egg sandwich"
I used to have blind fits of easily brought about rage quite frequently. It went away when I was diagnosed and started taking medication for my ADHD.

Another one from boarding school that isn't related to me exactly but is related to anger:

We used to only be able to access certain websites on a whitelist. I brought in a proxy via a USB one weekend and it started spreading a ton and soon enough a stuffload of people had access to the internet. It eventually ended up just being used for research all the time. Anyways the dude in the room across the hall from me (I could see into his room when both our doors were open during study hours or whatever) was pretty well known for being explosive as forget. He got busted watching hentai, and they found like 30GB of research saved on his computer, so naturally they banned him from using the computer for like a long ass time. After sitting in his room for like 3 hours bored as forget, he eventually got super angry, stood up, grabbed his computer monitor, and straight up 360° THREW that stuff through his second story window.

I was just kinda sitting there watching it happen, pretty funny stuff

I used to have blind fits of easily brought about rage quite frequently. It went away when I was diagnosed and started taking medication for my ADHD.

Interestingly enough I've always figured I might have some kind of attention disorder, but my parents "don't believe" in ADHD so I was never diagnosed with it. I'll probably go see a doc about it now that I'm a legal adult.

Interestingly enough I've always figured I might have some kind of attention disorder, but my parents "don't believe" in ADHD so I was never diagnosed with it. I'll probably go see a doc about it now that I'm a legal adult.

Don't let your people close to you talk you out of it with 'if you want you can concentrate fine'. Concentrating on things you enjoy isn't tough for anyone. That said, in Estonia it's woefully under-diagnosed, as opposed to the US. Don't walk into the doctors office saying ADHD, describe your problems and take multiple disorder tests. ADHD is notorious for mimicking other, sometimes more serious disorders including bipolar disorder (mood swings), OCD (daydreaming), mild aspergers (challenged with social etiquette) or in some serious cases, mild psychopathy (the psychopathic mind is notorious for hiding that side from others and the person with the disorder in any way possible, including mimicking similar disorders). They have tests for all of these, which the doctor should do if you go in there describing the symptoms you are experiencing (at the diagnosing stage). Methylphenidate (the acting substance of Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall etc.) can very effectively mask, or at the very least alleviate some symptoms of similar disorders, but not actually fix the core problem leading to false sense of security.

I broke the spine of a book by throwing it once and put a hole in the wall with my fist another time. Both involved my dad pissing me off.

Once I hit a piano with a pvc pipe and dented it. Idk other then that it's just punching walls, but that hurts so usually I just punch my punching bag.

Oh that reminds me, I've stabbed my punching bag a few times lmao. But that wasn't out of anger, I just sorta felt like it. Shrooms are fun haha