Author Topic: Blockland: Source  (Read 58342 times)

Fun quote is fun:
lol i hate rephail so bad i made this short convo of what i wanna do to baldspot

baldspot: we eat stuff
*i smash a sludge hammer on baldspot and keep hitting them while on floor then take the ban hammer AND PWN THE SUCKERS*

ima go find moar stupid stuff they say.

After those quotes, I'm starting to think this is a joke. Maybe they want us to freak out about this... Maybe it's what they've wanted all along.

Its just another sad case of some small group of inconvenienced people trying to "fight the man" because "the man" is making money.

After those quotes, I'm starting to think this is a joke. Maybe they want us to freak out about this... Maybe it's what they've wanted all along. 9/11.

After those quotes, I'm starting to think this is a joke. Maybe they want us to freak out about this... Maybe it's what they've wanted all along.

I'll snoop around and find out. They want us to be scared, not laughing to my knowledge. So far its just a bunch of noob outcasts. But noob outcasts can be a force to be reckoned with.(But they arent known for coding skill...makes me wonder if it is a setup)

another fun quote about the brick limit extender:(from SigFig)

U load the map, then run the exe. Your brick lim. is now like 3001 DO NOT POST ON BLOCKLANS.US, BADSPOT WILL UPDATE BL AROUND IT!!!

Omg this is too handicapped:
Badspot can NOT sue us. He has no right. He doesnt have a copywright on the name as far as i can tell, and lator today i am going to send a friendly letter to Lego. Our game is not illegal in any way, and once lego sees the files i found in BLR, Badspot is gonna get sued himself. Bad.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 05:17:57 PM by rkynick »

I reported their forums for breaking copyright laws :P next comes their site (P.S. I sent the E-Mail straight to invision board)

In its current stage of development, there is nothing abnormal about BL:S. It is just a simple Half-Life 2 Source Mod in the making. But when it is finished it will change the face of PC and even console gaming as we know it. It will use many different technologies never introduced to gaming before to make the gamers dream game. It will use advanced features such as dynamic water, dynamic weather, huge enviroments detailed at minifig scale, and the ability to create thousands or even millions of bricks with absolutely no lag at all. How can this be you ask? Simple. A few or all of the people working on BL:S do not think on the normal lines of todays videogame industry. When you add the element of impossibility to the equation unexpected things can occur. We are not going to release our secrets and plans yet, but we might in the near future. Stay updated with us see where were going, and we might slip a little bit of "resources" to you.
WHY do i doubt this stuff?
Heh, unexpected things can occur.

his idea is to haxxores peoples PCs so they are a part of a clusternetwork(bunch of pcs working together) when inactive to power the game. Its very very horribly thought out.

here: its long:
No Lag - Yes you heard me, NO LAG. This is the hardest concept to grasp, due to the fact of its great complexity. Many (about 10) years ago, some person working on cancer research had a very good idea. Supercomputers are usually what he need for simualations and research. Now, supercomputers are all VERY exspensive (Like millions of dollars), but he noticed when you put 2 hardrives in a computer you get more space. After a few days of thought he got the idea. There are now 2 approaches to super computing: Making a HUGE computer (usaully takes years and is extremely difficult. The only people i know who actually have a supercomputer in this country (US, ugh, i really wish i could go on vacation away from here, im not exactly patriotic) is the governmet. An they use it for stupid stuff ex. wall decorations. The other approach is linking many computers physically together. These are called beowulf clusters (I think). These usually have a little less power than normal supercomputers, so Dr. What's His Name decided to take this even further. He placed a download link on his website to a peice of software that allowed peoples computers to be part of a vast supercomputer network when they are inactive. His network approach was WAY bigger than normal supercomps. So, in the spirit of inventiveness, we are putting this into the game. Modders beware, you have almost infinite power at your disposal. I'm hoping to sell this kind of technology for other companies and studios after we prefect it. Around $200 US dollars sounds good for that. IDK photoshop is more than that, and unity will be a little more important i think.

What is really funny is that his whole idea does absolutely nothing for lag.

It SOUNDS amazing.. but i dont wana get raped in the ass.

his idea is to haxxores peoples PCs so they are a part of a clusternetwork(bunch of pcs working together) when inactive to power the game. Its very very horribly thought out.

here: its long:
No Lag - Yes you heard me, NO LAG. This is the hardest concept to grasp, due to the fact of its great complexity. Many (about 10) years ago, some person working on cancer research had a very good idea. Supercomputers are usually what he need for simualations and research. Now, supercomputers are all VERY exspensive (Like millions of dollars), but he noticed when you put 2 hardrives in a computer you get more space. After a few days of thought he got the idea. There are now 2 approaches to super computing: Making a HUGE computer (usaully takes years and is extremely difficult. The only people i know who actually have a supercomputer in this country (US, ugh, i really wish i could go on vacation away from here, im not exactly patriotic) is the governmet. An they use it for stupid stuff ex. wall decorations. The other approach is linking many computers physically together. These are called beowulf clusters (I think). These usually have a little less power than normal supercomputers, so Dr. What's His Name decided to take this even further. He placed a download link on his website to a peice of software that allowed peoples computers to be part of a vast supercomputer network when they are inactive. His network approach was WAY bigger than normal supercomps. So, in the spirit of inventiveness, we are putting this into the game. Modders beware, you have almost infinite power at your disposal. I'm hoping to sell this kind of technology for other companies and studios after we prefect it. Around $200 US dollars sounds good for that. IDK photoshop is more than that, and unity will be a little more important i think.

The whole idea isnt well in the head.
Dynamic Water: In-game fluid sim, gets rid of all water textures and makes the game more realistic (to a minifig degree)
Dynamic Lighting: Source already has this one done, all sorts of lighting effects can be added in the map editor
Better In-game Map Editing: This one is better just to show you, check out the Cube games to find out more. (btw this lets the client see and/or make map edits)
Better Brick Placement: You get to chose between the classic system using the numpad or a new point and click system.
Brick Physics: All bricks are now considered physics props. That means you can build a car, then drive it.
Better Tools: For those of you that want the EW, it's in BL:S in many forms. The moving part is replaced by the grav gun, the editing part is replaced by the scale gun and the grav guns rotate feature.
No Lag: You should all understand this.
New Minifig Design: Nothing drastic done, just gave it knees and elbows.
Animated Decals and RT Cameras: Most image formats are now supported, render target cameras let you place a camera in one room and watch from another.
Dynamic Air and Heat: Using the fluid sim, BL:S will be able to track the air and determine its heat and type (you get a working thermometer and you can melt in ovens or die in toxic air)
Better AI: NPC's now have AI instead of just following the nearest person or waypoint.
Voice Chat: Self explanitory.

Sure it sounds awesome, but think about whos behind it and how they want to pull it off.

In any case, its a bunch of people with almost 0 technical experience and artistic ability trying to create their dream mod. It probably happens every day, someone starts a freewebs website, drafts their friends as co-founders and CEOs of a fictional company, and then posts a huge hyped post about something they don't have the experience to make.

I'll give them time to prove me wrong, but I think I'm wasting my time. I'll wager a photocopy of my middle-school diploma they won't finish it in 5 years. Anyone else have a bet?

In any case, its a bunch of people with almost 0 technical experience and artistic ability trying to create their dream mod. It probably happens every day, someone starts a freewebs website, drafts their friends as co-founders and CEOs of a fictional company, and then posts a huge hyped post about something they don't have the experience to make.

I'll give them time to prove me wrong, but I think I'm wasting my time. I'll wager a photocopy of my middle-school diploma they won't finish it in 5 years. Anyone else have a bet?
I agree wholeheartedly, and am not stupid enough to bet against you.
I might moniter every once and a while, see how they respond to being found out.

his idea is to haxxores peoples PCs so they are a part of a clusternetwork(bunch of pcs working together) when inactive to power the game. Its very very horribly thought out.

here: its long:
No Lag - Yes you heard me, NO LAG. This is the hardest concept to grasp, due to the fact of its great complexity. Many (about 10) years ago, some person working on cancer research had a very good idea. Supercomputers are usually what he need for simualations and research. Now, supercomputers are all VERY exspensive (Like millions of dollars), but he noticed when you put 2 hardrives in a computer you get more space. After a few days of thought he got the idea. There are now 2 approaches to super computing: Making a HUGE computer (usaully takes years and is extremely difficult. The only people i know who actually have a supercomputer in this country (US, ugh, i really wish i could go on vacation away from here, im not exactly patriotic) is the governmet. An they use it for stupid stuff ex. wall decorations. The other approach is linking many computers physically together. These are called beowulf clusters (I think). These usually have a little less power than normal supercomputers, so Dr. What's His Name decided to take this even further. He placed a download link on his website to a peice of software that allowed peoples computers to be part of a vast supercomputer network when they are inactive. His network approach was WAY bigger than normal supercomps. So, in the spirit of inventiveness, we are putting this into the game. Modders beware, you have almost infinite power at your disposal. I'm hoping to sell this kind of technology for other companies and studios after we prefect it. Around $200 US dollars sounds good for that. IDK photoshop is more than that, and unity will be a little more important i think.
It actually isn't. SETI uses that to process data, to see if there's anything "out there." It's free, too. I do it.  :cookieMonster:

This is hilarious.

EDIT: Oh, and Vyper Media? Moar liek Vapor Media, amirite?

« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 05:58:59 PM by Linde »