Author Topic: 2012/10/26 - Obj to Blb Converter  (Read 99019 times)

Isn't it broken though?
No, but it isn't as good as Generals obj2blb

I'm sure nobody posts here anymore.

I'm sure nobody posts here anymore.
most informative and looked-forward-to post 2014

when will texturing mechanism be added?
it should use uv maps of milkshape

when will texturing mechanism be added?
it should use uv maps of milkshape
Use General's obj2blb if you need to texture

...What does it mean when your brick has an "Invalid Size in the .blb"?
I keep getting errors on my bricks like that. And they otherwise work fine.

Is there one where there is no limit?
Limit to 2017 :O
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 09:57:22 PM by Daniel.S »

Use generals exporter.

I don't believe I've posted this here.

I have made a custom Obj to Blb Converter which for the time being offers more features than the one in this topic. It is still being supported and developed so bug reports will be attended to and new features will be released in future. Read more about it here.