Author Topic: Blockland Glass 4.2  (Read 296477 times)

Good update. Thanks. I appreciate it.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 06:03:05 AM by Blocky943 »

you have a grammatical error in the update notes also great now i have to fear opening blockland because glass might forcibly update itself while i don't want it to

you have a grammatical error in the update notes also great now i have to fear opening blockland because glass might forcibly update itself while i don't want it to

You can reject the update. We just didn't do it.

reporting the prefs issue showing up in the help board by skill and a few others is likely related to glass. can you look into this problem asap?

basically a number of prefs have = ""; appended in bad spots, eg $pref::server::customSetting1 = ""; = "";

probably should have turned that effort into adding new features towards making this have less bugs/earlier release so you could fix bugs promptly :(
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 10:42:19 AM by Conan »

Across 7 betas over the course of two weeks I never caught a report of this issue nor did I ever encounter it.

probably should have turned that effort into adding new features towards making this have less bugs/earlier release so you could fix bugs promptly :(

Pretty much this entire update was one giant bug fix, the added features are very minor. The main ticket item here was improved preferences.

I’ll likely release an update sometime this afternoon.

Can we have a download for 4.0 in the meantime?

ugh sorry i let my frustration show as passive aggressiveness again

i just dont get how bugs like this just filter through testing. i should probably be a beta tester so i would be less frustrated with these things and help you guys more instead of release it through annoying posts

Curiously there's not a single line I can find that interacts with client preferences or would manually write to that file. My only conclusion is that somehow the variable and the value is being set as a blank variable.

$P["ref::Something = 1;"] = "";

The preference system uses a method setGlobalByName which could potentially cause this (will be adding safeguards) however theres no reason it should. Adding a safeguard will prevent the issue from repeating, however how I am still trying to find the source of the problem.

My leading theory is that it was caused by an alteration in file format for preferences, although I don't recall that being changed. It could be that, as preferences have never fully worked before, old changes and incompatibilities are now being exposed as it's working properly with data that was written by previous, buggy versions.

This would be surprising because it means every beta user had their preferences wiped and said/noticed nothing.

i just dont get how bugs like this just filter through testing. i should probably be a beta tester so i would be less frustrated with these things and help you guys more instead of release it through annoying posts
I'm really curious how this was never uncovered. My settings were never reset and I did a whole bunch of testing, more than ever before. Multiple servers per run, resets between servers, clean installs, dedicated, dedicated clean installs, upgrade tests, read-only tests. We had a decent number of beta users and I tried to interact with them often.

Edit: 4.0.2 download. I don't have a copy of 4.0.3 and a fix should be out soon for 4.1.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 12:30:41 PM by Scout31 »

Cheers for the download.

4.1.1 is out.

All variable names are now screened so that a non-exportable variable name is no longer allowed. I determined the issue was due to a transition in various file formats and saving techniques that have changed through different updates.

All previous server preferences from before 4.1 will likely not persist. Your Blockland settings will not change.

This was caused by the lengthy development time of 4.1. This is a change that was likely made several months ago that I forgot about. It is alarming that this wasn't caught during the beta phase, and I will be revisiting our (my) testing practices as well as putting together a release readiness checklist so that we can have a comprehensive list of features that need to be verified before every release. The project has grown to the size where that is beyond necessary.

I apologize for any inconvenience and my oversight. A release focused on stability and continuity has caused the exact opposite, and I hope that the genuinely working preferences make up for this update error.

I was unable to replicate Conan's blank string issue and will be working to uncover the bug. A 4.1.2 is likely. I wanted to try to minimize the number of bug fix updates, but 4.1.1 was a pressing issue.

edit: Also double checked some networking stuff (users were complaining of connectivity issues but there's really no reason Glass should impact this) and added the @here and @room tags for moderators/admins.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 01:24:33 PM by Scout31 »

I'm not sure if this is the place to suggest this, but i would really like for there to be some sort of message history and sending messages to offline users like in steam. I mean, as far as I'm aware glass isn't P2P so there is no reason for this to not be a thing? AT LEAST keeping the chat history client-side so that it doesn't erase the whole chat history while I'm talking to someone caused glass randomly disconnects due to some connectivity error.

There's an option to keep direct message logs, we don't have one for public chatrooms but it can be added when there's time. Sending messages offline isn't practical the way Glass is set up currently, but it could potentially be done in the future.

If there's connectivity issues, that's news to me. I haven't experience any connectivity issues since the launch of Glass Live, other than when it's offline of course. The server stays up for months at a time.

I believe there's a mod that's been released to keep room chat logs. We keep them server-sided for moderation, of course.

My Blockland settings still keeps getting reset everytime I open the game.

My Blockland settings still keeps getting reset everytime I open the game.
you may need to manually reset ur prefs by modifying the prefs files in config. just search for bad lines that have ; = ""; and remove those

has the settings getting forgeted up and prefs been fixed? I don't want to update until it's actually fully fixed