Author Topic: My School almost blew up today.  (Read 2043 times)

Well someone last night got into our school last night and turned on a natural gas valve, leading to a large build up of gas. The person got in because someone unlatched the window from the inside, probably before they left the school. Sooo in the morning our principal apparently didn't think it was that big of a threat until like 5 mins into the day when we evacuated. So basically I had to spend two hours in a parking lot while police and firemen where doing stuff and lifting prints. When we got back inside the kids who had the teacher anytime of the day had to answer a written paper, this was most defiantly to get prints.

It was clearly intentional, either as a senior prank or otherwise and if/when they find them, they are going to be charged with terrorism. So basically if there was any fire at all we all could have died :(

no tl;dr for you.

Yes I know Off-Topic is your favorite blog.

I was about to light a match till we evacuated. I performed the prank okay? (I luv lies)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 04:20:22 PM by Trymos »

Wat is gas
it's that stuff taht makes cars go vroom vroom

I was about to light a match till we evacuated. I performed the prank okay?

It wouldn't work. If it was left on over night there would be more gas than oxygen.

it's that stuff taht makes cars go vroom vroom
it also makes lwan muwers go cut that green stuff.

It wouldn't work. If it was left on over night there would be more gas than oxygen.
The room it was in was closed so it was all contained in there until this morning when it was opened, so there was still a lot of oxygen.
Wat is gas
sag backwards

It's probably the result of CoDkids mimicking the Modern Warfare 3 trailer.

Lol "defiantly to get prints"  :cookieMonster:

It was completely silly.

it's that stuff taht makes cars go vroom vroom
it's the stuff that ppl go pfffttt out of bum