Author Topic: Command Bank  (Read 888 times)

Hey, I am looking for lots of commands to make a command bank with, console commands only please! Starting list:

clientCMDtimescale (0.4);
Sky.delete(); host only

Add more!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 04:07:57 AM by Iron »


also it's clientCmdTimescale(0.4); lol

It's clientCmdTimeScale, not playerCmdTimeScale.

TurnRight(); - 1 or 0 to turn or not turn right.

TurnLeft(); - 1 or 0 to turn or not turn left.

crouch(); - 1 or 0 to crouch or not crouch

clientCmdShowBricks(); - 1 or 0 to show or not show hidden bricks (like when you hold a tool)

Announce("An announcement here"); - Make an announcement

banBLID(ID, TIME, "Reason"); - Ban someone using their ID

for(%i=0;%i<clientGroup.getCount();%i++){%c=clientgroup.getobject(%i);if(isobject(%c.player))%c.player.kill();} - Kill everyone on the server

shutDown(); - Kicks everyone off the server with the message "The server has been shut down". (This does not actually shut down the server)

findClientByName("nameOfPerson").delete("You've been kicked!"); - Kicks the specified player with a message.

quit(); - Properly shuts down the game, preferences are saved, ect.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 04:11:23 AM by Pecon »


also it's clientCmdTimescale(0.4); lol

That's what I wrote. Are you blind?

That's what I wrote. Are you blind?
You had "player" and then edited it to be "client"... I'm not blind.
I mean can you not do that, that's kind of rude man.

You had "player" and then edited it to be "client"... I'm not blind.
I mean can you not do that, that's kind of rude man.
Ohhhhhhh stuff..

[weapon]image.projectile = [projectilename]projectile();

[weapon]image.projectile = [projectilename]projectile();
There are no ()'s. It's not a function call.

gunImage.projectile = tankShellProjectile; -example

function a(){cancel($a);settimescale(1+msin($sim::time));$a=schedule(0,0,a);}a();

I knew port would post.