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Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 72085 times)

:D are there links for dl this stuff?

Post some thing as bum_boy saying your nick and the give us a link to it! Don't be stupid and just say "dur i r bu nut hin" it gets you nowhere.

Oh no nick got pwnd D:

Just to let you know I'm trying to get the topic moved to creativity so if you try to find it later and can't you may be looking in the wrong section.

It usually says MOVED: topic title with a link inside. I don't want it moved, Mod Discussion is nice and "quiet". Easy to keep a track of.

No, actually i didn't i just made this off the model of my bee-bee gun

And Bum_Boy posted this.

I got 7. I havn't got any tools yet though. I'm really new. I started like in march break. I'm doing this really big tutorial by this guy named ichi. It's a great tutorial. I'm half way through finishing the model for this gun. I don't know the name, but it's not much of an achievement, I just sort of followed his steps, with a few changes of my own.

This isn't for BL (has over 200 poly gons XD) I just did this cause I was bored. The red circles show known errors.

It was a nightmare to make, but It's a Klobb none the less.
how did u makethat?
like what program, and where can i get it?

how did u makethat?
like what program, and where can i get it?
I made it using a program called stuffstorm imminent.