Author Topic: birthday time (we 18 in this bitch)  (Read 1347 times)

it's about damn time

now for a list of my accomplishments:
- lived to adulthood
- made it to my senior year of high school
- won 2nd place at a little ssbm tournament organized by my friends
- won 20 bucks from a teddy grahams giveaway box
- got my drivers license
- uhh


have you gotten laid yet

that's not on the accomplishment list so no

come to my house @ 9:00

the dog loving intensifies

i got happy birthday sung to me by my friends at lunch today

does that mean we can legally forget now?

i would never forget anyone from the blf

hapy birthdai and welcome to 18!!
i would never forget anyone from the blf
are u willing to make an exception~

i would never forget anyone from the blf

well yeah child enthusiasm is illegal so