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Topics - ultimamax

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Off Topic / fff i hate dental care
« on: December 02, 2009, 07:44:15 PM »
Just a few hours ago I went to the dentist. I was pretty fine, he drilled in my teeth n' stuff, but then came where he pulled out my kanine tooth. He kept missing to where he needed to put the painkiller shot, so i have three huge lumps on the roof of my mouth. So when he ripped it out, it felt like it was twisting and he was crushing my skull or something. So I was pissed after that. I have a huge gaw thing to keep the blood from getting all over me, and the right side of my mouth is paralyzed. ffff.
Post your dental stories.

Suggestions & Requests / Music Request: Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon
« on: November 28, 2009, 01:24:55 AM »
Lemon Demon's newest song. If you'll make this for me, just pick the parts of the song that would best be a loop, I guess. For the entire song is great, I cannot pick a certain part.

Help / Game crashes when I start up a game and finish loading
« on: November 12, 2009, 07:34:19 PM »
Title. When I finish loading in ANY map, I crash. It's probably an add on, though I disabled all of my RTB and regular add-ons.

Creativity / Edit my halloween costume shirt :3
« on: October 27, 2009, 05:05:57 PM »
You see, my Halloween costume is a walking commercial/logo guy. I would appreciate if you post the logo of ANY company, please don't do anything perverted. (i.e Viagra) And worry not, I will not leave this to you guys. I will help with it too. Try not to cover the logos already made if you can. Also, please don't try and everyone who mess it up. This is going to be my Halloween costume. And I will keep it for generations to come. I hope contributes will be respectful. Remember to copy the canvas above you's post. Keep the canvas a .PNG, too.

Off Topic / Pet Peeves - What are yours?
« on: October 19, 2009, 07:02:14 PM »
Yes, your pet peeves. Everything small that pisses the forget out of you. One of my pet peeves is when babies scream out of nowhere and annoy the forget out of you when you want to enjoy your brunch.

Help / How to make good pixel art!
« on: September 28, 2009, 06:07:25 PM »
Hi. I, Ultimamax, have started pixel art on Blockland. I thought I could try making a help topic about good tips for it. Please, constructive criticism is welcome. No matter if you want to macro it, or load it, doesn't matter. Although, I will be doing this for people who want to macro it. Just not macro-ing it should be simple enough.
1. Good colorset. You will want a good colorset, based on the sprite you want to make. I am using the default colorset, because I don't need any extra colors such as darker and lighter versions of stuff. Plus, this is only a demonstration. RTB has a fairly nice and wide selection of colorsets in the colorsets section.
2. Macro Saver. This is purely optional. But, if you are macro-ing this and want to keep it on your copy of Blockland, come to this link: .
3. Comfortable Layout. This section, basically means a layout where you can see the picture and your copy of blockland.
Here is my recommended layout:

Blockland to the right, and the sprite to the left.
4. Specific server. Yes, this matters. Why? Going to S00PAHM45T3RODSTS0N1C's Freebuild!121! will get lots of bothersome people. Try it in a friend's server, or a private one. I'm doing it in a private server, but with a friend you can get extra help. (Not on building, if he builds that section of the macro won't appear. DURR.) By help, I mean keeping people away from your build and annoying you. I remember when I was making my Mother 3 sprite, someone hammered me for 5 minutes and I messed up trying to get away from him.
5. Actually knowing how to macro. Once more, this is for the macro-ers. Come to this topic, it has a great and well explained guide on macros: .
6. Building. After all of that preparation, we come to building it. Try starting in the left corner of the sprite. You shouldn't fill in a background for building it, it will waste time and look less appealing. What I mean by that is I wouldn't make that green background on the megaman sprite in the picture.
7. Macro Saver. Yes, another part about this. This is the basic use of the macro saver. Make a bind for it after installing it in the add-ons folder in the Blockland folder. To save it, simply finish the macro, press the stop/start macro bind, and then hit the bind. Type in a name and press the "save" button. It should work find and dandy. Oh, and to load it again, highlight the macro you want and hit load. Then hit playback macro to make it appear.
8. Extra Tips. This is where I will put tips submitted by commenters of this topic. So far there are:
What an accomplishment.  :cookieMonster:
Well, thanks for reading. Once more, I say constructive criticism is welcome and strongly advised. I only want this to be the best. <3

Modification Help / Help with an q-q trick script?
« on: September 27, 2009, 11:42:29 AM »
I have the code for it, found it on the script pad that HeedicalKing has (or someone, i think it was heed's) and I want to know what I'll need besides the script. Oh, and is this in the wrong board?
The script is:
Code: [Select]
function f(){schedule(100,0,F);scrolltools(-1);scrolltools(1);}

Games / GMOD Crashes when I start it up
« on: September 24, 2009, 04:39:26 PM »
Well, it appears whenever I launch my recently bought GMOD, is will crash and give me the old "hl2.exe is not responding." Then that Vista stuff about searching for a solution. Yes, I have Vista. Usually, it has that little loading screen with John Freeman putting a cone over G-man. What do you think is wrong? Is it because of vista? I suspect that the whole "not responding" thing happens because it is loading and not moving, and maybe if I reached the Steam Community through it, it'd sense activity. But I can't access steam during the loading.
EDIT: Made the title less ambiguous

Games / Eridani RTS
« on: September 16, 2009, 07:39:31 PM »
This game is a fun strategizing space type game. Basically, Earth is nearly hit by a meteor, but the meteor moves the earth a bit with the meteor's gravity and it begins moving towards the sun. The Earthlings estimate they have 30 years before the world becomes to hot. So, they find a planet with earthlike quality and head over there. It's pretty fun, just got into the game.

Off Topic / I won lots of gum :D
« on: September 11, 2009, 04:08:33 PM »
The title is correct. Today at assembly, I got a yardstick of gum. :3 'tis epic. asfssdsfdsfaefwfwsa. Discuss?
EDIT: Story of my long journey for the gum.
Today, we had an assembly about the fundraiser, and how if we sent their items to people, we'd get plenty of prizes. Prizes were mostly stuffty, except for the Wii, the plasma TV, the laptop, and the $250 visa gift card. They were quizzing some people for prizes about things like the assembly and some math crap. I got how many centimeters is in a yard. The two dumbasses before me had no idea, and when I got called on my moment of fame happened. Tons of kids asked me for gum, but when I opened it I realized they weren't separated pieces. Saddened, they walked home while I did a jig to my doorstep.

Off Topic / Strange New Fad
« on: September 07, 2009, 02:22:42 PM »

Some strange new fad is going on, where you edit the little dude shown above and make him your avatar. Many many people on forums and Youtube have started doing this. I saw it on BitF forums. Though the topic started yesterday, it's been spreading far. Anybody else notice? And if so, do you know the origin?

Help / Keybinds help?
« on: September 04, 2009, 01:58:11 PM »
I am a huge fan of client-sided mods. Now I ask, ever since I got ChatBinds, when I download client-sided mods, their binds don't show. do I have too many client-sided mods? This happened once more, on another computer with Blockland. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Chatbinds. So help.

Here are my ideas.
Two/Max teams. (I think max is 6 for regular ones) All have a spawn and a duty. When two ships want to battle, they vote on it. The ships will be builds, of course. There could be a jailer soldier, he jails other team's men and can make prisnors do what he wants. Although, he can pardon prisnors too. There will also be a captain. Pretty simple, just like a team leader. He can have better weps. There shall be regular pirates, his crew. Duke it out until you own the other team's treasure. Oh, and if you want, you can use events to kill the supporting brick of the ship, thus drowning them all >:D. I know those events already exist.

The chatkill prevention mod shouldn't be hard. I discussed it a bit with Randomguy. It will turn you into a non-combatable player while chatting. It may be abused though, but if abused the host can just kick 'em. Does this one sound easy?

Drama / Beachy- Auth. Ky stealer?
« on: July 09, 2009, 12:45:55 AM »
I was on Pandan's server and saw a guy named Beachy come in. He said a few swears at Pandan and Pand just lol'd. He used a script or something and rapidly said "Downloading [ID] [AUTH KEY] # out of 15" 'tuil he got to 15. He had all of our IDs and auth. keys. A few said the auth keys were fake, others said theirs were real. Badspot did come in a little earlier, if that helps. Discuss?

Off Topic / Birthday :D
« on: July 07, 2009, 06:37:37 PM »
Today is my birfday. Celebrate. :D I gots a new laptop.

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