Author Topic: Creativity is leaving our minds.  (Read 13920 times)

Let's face it.

Blockland's overall general servers are becoming a pile of hot garbage. Not necessarily garbage as in trash, "THIS SUCKS", I mean the type of garbage you see everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY, you boot up Blockland. The server list is full of nothing but:



Occasional boring JAIL ESCAPEs or FALLING TILES


Dogfights are boring. Same objective. No change. Change it up or just don't HOST them..

Now, I'm not creating this thread to whine like other Blocklanders do. It's shameful, pretty much. I know you guys might reply, how about you create your own server? Sure, but that's not enough juice to pump up the engines. The issue is, every time someone chooses to host a brand, new fun server; it derails often quick. Why? It's not getting enough attention. If a server isn't getting attention, is the Creator going to hang on for the ride still?


Where has the creativity gone? Is it being locked up somewhere? Why are people not motivated to create brand new FUN servers? Is it the reason of becoming bored? Is it the reason that you want to discontinue the project? I'm sick of seeing on average 100-300 players playing Blockland daily, yet all they do is play your occasional jail escape server or falling tiles. Oh, trust me. It's not the game. It's the lack of effort from the community in particularly creating new servers. Stop filling up crappy servers that we see everyday.

Boot up Blockland, host a game, plant a SINGLE brick. That's all the effort it takes to start creating a brand new game for others to play. When you don't feel like playing other player's games, think of projects. But don't start dreaming upon a huge project that you won't even finish. Now you just left hundreds of players excitement to die.

Stop making the same old servers because you don't have creativity. Stop lolly-gagging on the forums and do something worthwhile. Right now, posting in the suggestions won't change anything. We need dedicated players to just start hosting basic servers. Just something that can widen the genres of the servers.

It doesn't matter if you can't build great, just a hint of originality will bring loads of players to your server. All you have to do is TRY. Yelling at Badspot to update the game won't change stuff. The same issues will still be occurring; lack of creativity within the community. All of those creations that you dream but never do can only happen by YOU, not someone else.

Please, for the love of god, please don't do FORUM Self DeleteS or be an starfish to others and convert that valuable time into creating worthwhile servers.
tl;dr Spark up your creative minds and together we can make Blockland fun again for the community.

It's been pretty much the same for years
With some great original servers popping up every now and then, right now there's battlemix

OP, I don't see you making any loving 'FUN' and 'original' servers either.

Now, I'm not creating this thread to whine like other Blocklanders do.
yes sure
pretty much this entire post is you whining about 'unoriginal' servers.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 12:19:04 PM by K3k0m@n »

It's been pretty much the same for years
With some great original servers popping up every now and then, right now there's battlemix

OP, I don't see you making any loving 'FUN' and 'original' servers either.
yes sure
pretty much this entire post is you whining about 'unoriginal' servers.

It's mainly due to the fact I'm not playing Blockland daily like I used to do 3 years ago. Also I think you seem to mix "whine" and "complain".

Sorry for trying to help then, I guess.

"RIP Blockland", "Blockland doesn't have any creativity anymore"
can we stop already? i swear to forget someone different is whining every week now.

It's been pretty much the same for years
With some great original servers popping up every now and then, right now there's battlemix
Battlemix has taken a few not so good turns. There's just way too much RNG to win in it. Like yeah there was always the fact you start with random weapons, and in a random gamemode. But now you have all these overpowered boxes and FX that can just have a single person clean up the entire battlefield. It's not Battlemix anymore, it's lolrandommix.
OP, I don't see you making any loving 'FUN' and 'original' servers either.
yes sure
pretty much this entire post is you whining about 'unoriginal' servers.
Yeah this, I personally have two ideas I could go through with, but unsure on which I'm actually likely to finish.

yellow on white backgrounds (maybe)

I agree with the OP, I don't actually enjoy many servers other than Crowns Jailbreak and Heedicalking's slopes

Depends if you have ads turned on or not, actually. I don't so it's not for me either.

Sorry for trying to help then, I guess.

"RIP Blockland", "Blockland doesn't have any creativity anymore"
can we stop already? i swear to forget someone different is whining every week now.
This isn't a "RIP Blockland" rant or anything. If you read the OP he talks about the lack of orginality and fun servers and has some valid points, he isn't even pointing any fingers at badspot.

even more colors
What's with all the god dang colours? There's just too many of them!

It's mainly due to the fact I'm not playing Blockland daily like I used to do 3 years ago.
probably because for you, it's gotten old???

It's mainly due to the fact I'm not playing Blockland daily like I used to do 3 years ago. Also I think you seem to mix "whine" and "complain".
you can't just loving tell other people to host super amazing fun original servers then do absolutely nothing about it
well you can, but then you'd seem like a spoilt 3 year old.

Sorry for trying to help then, I guess.
I loving feel bad for you, every one of your servers have been original and fun, yet they barely get any recognition. I'm not too sure why they get none either.