Author Topic: skateboard vehicle that doesnt suck absolute richard  (Read 10133 times)

I have plans to work on some bot vehicles too, if we manage to provide that angle feature the best way possible it will improve yhem drasticly.

Is the head able to move to the side?

Actually it might not be that hard, I could just set the look limits over time instead of snapping them. I'll forget with that too

It works! Kinda. Have to fine tune it

Is the head able to move to the side?

If I'm able to directly set values for freelooking I don't see why not. As a matter of fact that would be very useful because it would give me another axis to animate the skateboard on

Dunno tho I'll have to look into it

wouldnt setting look limits screw with everyone riding the vehicle, as they're datablock values? or are there functions to set look limits on specific player objects that i dont know of?

Yeah I believe it's a method for Player objects. I'm using Player::setLookLimits(%player, %up, %down). Here's an example of it being used in the default tank:

Code: [Select]
  function armor::onMount(%this,%obj,%col,%slot)
      if(%col.getDataBlock() == TankVehicle.getId())
         if(%slot $= 2)
      else if(%col.getDataBlock() == TankTurretPlayer.getId())
         %client = %obj.client;

If I'm able to directly set values for freelooking I don't see why not. As a matter of fact that would be very useful because it would give me another axis to animate the skateboard on

Dunno tho I'll have to look into it

Since v8 I was told this was never possible lol.

Since v8 I was told this was never possible lol.
i dont believe it is. freelook appears to be one of the things controlled by clients, like movement/triggers. server side cant define any of that data on a player without a dll.

Is it possible for you to provide a Bot Template with the tilting feature at some point? I have a few bot vehicles that weren't released and they would benefit a lot with this feature.

This skateboard that you are making looks sick! Can’t wait to ride it in-game, keep it up dude!

Is it possible for you to provide a Bot Template with the tilting feature at some point? I have a few bot vehicles that weren't released and they would benefit a lot with this feature.

I'd be more comfortable releasing it with the skateboard, as it's not as fleshed out right now as I'd like it to be. It won't be much longer now though.

Note: Very early in dev lol