Author Topic: Something is going to happen to Blockland Forums  (Read 30018 times)

Quoth the raven, "Nevermind."

I don't see blueblur doing anything wrong.
They are assuming I'm the kind of sonic fan that makes stuffty fan characters on deviantart.

Quoth the raven, "Nevermind."
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermind!

Quoth the raven, "Nevermind."
and it was in that moment that AdinX was confused about his respect for Nonnel...
He knows the reference...
But he dares defile it by changing the wording
So did we ever figure out who's gonna hack the forums, I skipped about 12 pages

The forums went down for a couple of minutes for me without the maintenance page. Anyone else get this?

The forums went down for a couple of minutes for me without the maintenance page. Anyone else get this?
Not really the place to discuss this. The general consensus is that Nevermind was a huge tool and nothing he said will have any relation to the future of the forums.

well, something happened:

rtb servers are failing

I don't see blueblur doing anything wrong.
I don't think he was only referring to him.
But yeah, the sonic franchise is a mess of prepubescent autism.

RTB servers definitely failing, not sure if it is still Hammer acting like a handicap or what, but something is happening.

well, something happened:

rtb servers are failing

The end is nigh, sinners repent

Has the storm finally come?

Hammereditor, Nevermind, Overmind, are all the same person!!!

They combined and formed mega-kalphiter and destroyed the servers

With people bumping drama topics I know somethings up.