Author Topic: Weapon_AmmoGun [2.0.0]  (Read 4629 times)

Ever fired a gun and thought "i need to limit this"? If you said yes to all or none of these questions this add-on is for you.

Ammo Gun
The default gun but with ammo functionality. Edited with permission from Conan from AmmoBow

Weapon_AmmoGunzip -

Ammo - Bullet (one.. bullet..) Ammo - Magazine (8 bullets in a box that can only physically hold like 3) - Ammo - Box (gives you 12 bullets even though it has basically the same size as the magazine)
Ammo Gun (you need bullets also there's a quick anim after firing) Ammo SMG (you still need bullets but you can shoot fast now(i really need a better model for this(it's just the smg from rtb)))

Kokonut: "borrowing" the smg model from Extrude and creating the ammo model and thinly veiling guns on top of AmmoBow
Conan: AmmoBow
Extrude: making the smg model i stole
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 01:25:57 AM by maxymax13 »

its probably 9mm
the caliber for this super bullet is 9cm

the caliber for this super bullet is 9cm
oh okay, im sorry.
is there any other weapons that use these 9cm rounds

conan that was mean
i mean u dunno man, his butt could be poppin 9cm rounds every time he goes to the toilet

2.1.0 has been sent to glass, adds ammo box