Author Topic: ~ UI Edit Dumping Thread: Recreated! ~  (Read 1878 times)

This is basically a remake of the UI Edit Dump thread, since the first was recently locked.
As the title says, post UI edits for Blockland here!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 01:20:17 AM by Mariobro123586 »

First post  :cookieMonster: oh ps wrong post!
I give myself a :cookie: :3

Was it really locked?idiots above

R.I.P old thread.
March 21, 2010-July 9, 2011 

Was it really locked?idiots above
Yes, it was locked.
Oh, and, fixed.

Info on what this is for people that don't know what this is would be great. Or at least a link to the old topic.

First of all, you're an idiot. You didnt do anything like the old thread. By recreated, you mean "handicapped rip-off that has nothing from the old topic in it", right? At least go grab some of the old UI edits from the OP of the old topic.

how about go through the entire topic and get the good UI's, we need someone to do that.

Locking this because the original thread was just unlocked.