Author Topic: Feels good to be banned from RTB.  (Read 10549 times)

RTB seems a little bit touchy on bans, that's why I barely ever talk in the general. Can't you get kicked just for saying 'Roblox'?

RTB seems a little bit touchy on bans, that's why I barely ever talk in the general. Can't you get kicked just for saying 'Roblox'?
You get kicked for saying "roblox" in the chat room. Now that's a stuff mod.

When one person spams the word 'roblox' on the chat, it sparks about 3-4 idiots who also think it is absolutely hysterical to say it over and over again until they get banned or kicked.

These 3-4 idiots spark another 3-4 idiots to do the same thing until it's a graveyard full of banned and kicked idiots and stunned bystanders.

It's annoying as hell and it still counts as spamming. It creates a spamstorm, whether it consist of "Blockland is better than Roblox" or just people saying the word over and over.

expecting intelligence out of the rtb gd channel

Deve really doesn't need to post as much as he did.
lol thats his second ban on this alt
inb4 Deve3

Ah.. back.. now Ephi or Baddy lock this please.

Ah.. back.. now Ephi or Baddy lock this please.

Are you trying to get yourself banned again?

Are you trying to get yourself banned again?

Hmm? I just asked for this to be locked.

Ah.. back.. now Ephi or Baddy lock this please.
Are you trying to be stupid
or does it just come to you

Hmm? I just asked for this to be locked.

"I got banned for a while for making a stupid topic. Now that I'm unbanned I'm gonna bump the topic even though everyone forgot about it in the assumption that a million people are gonna suddenly go back to posting in it and making fun of me! Let's ask Baddy to lock it! He'll surely grant my request even though I was banned!"

- you

"I got banned for a while for making a stupid topic. Now that I'm unbanned I'm gonna bump the topic even though everyone forgot about it in the assumption that a million people are gonna suddenly go back to posting in it and making fun of me! Let's ask Baddy to lock it! He'll surely grant my request even though I was banned!"

- you

Um I got banned for admit troll so, and also I just don't want peeps to stuff more on Maxx :l

Um I got banned for admit troll so, and also I just don't want peeps to stuff more on Maxx :l

And you wouldn't have admitted if you hadn't of made this topic. lol

Seriously, though. Don't post in your own dramas after they've died. Especially if you were banned in it. That's the worst idea possible.

I know I know lets all just.. let it die I guess..?