Author Topic: BL fan art thread  (Read 1014 times)

Fan art thread
Image by bobo-tan
This thread is about BL fan art. I'll post some pictures when I get better at drawing. So if you find some BL fan art on the internet, post it here.
-Can't be perverted art
-Don't just post a screenshot, actually post a drawing or a shopped image.
-Give credit to the artist
-It has to be affiliated with blockland
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 01:40:34 PM by Cool Boi »

i did a vector of a big cigarette

What the forget.
<forumlogic>I made a topic just like this long ago and put so much work into it only to have nobody post art and it die in a day.</forumlogic>

What the forget.
<forumlogic>I made a topic just like this long ago and put so much work into it only to have nobody post art and it die in a day.</forumlogic>


< should be replaced with [ :)

What the forget.
<forumlogic>I made a topic just like this long ago and put so much work into it only to have nobody post art and it die in a day.</forumlogic>


I worked for an entire day.. a wholle 24 hours to draw this.

[im g][/img]

should be in creativity but holy carp OP's image is good.