Author Topic: having problem with vehicle spawning with wheels in ground  (Read 1913 times)

My vehicle keeps spawning with its wheels in the ground and I can't figure out how to fix it. The model is centered in milkshape and with masscenter values, but it spawns with the wheels underground every time. Can anyone help me figure out whats going on here?

Hummm... I do not know a large amount about this sort of thing, nor do I know of your current set up.  But If you were using blender I would suggest you try moving either "root" or "mount0" around.  I believe one of those empties would determine the "position" of the vehicle ingame

What does your collision mesh look like?

What does your collision mesh look like?
it's just a simple box

try extending the bounding box lower

I thought that vehicles were sorta like playertypes in the way that they're supposed to be above the origin when exported, as if the origin was the position of your vehicle spawn brick

If I don't center the model it starts wobbling when rolling/banking

The mount points for the wheels are suppose to be inside the collision box, once you do that you can adjust the ride height in the spring length.

Usually when they're outside the collision box like that they tend to just fall through the ground.

The mount points for the wheels are suppose to be inside the collision box, once you do that you can adjust the ride height in the spring length.

Usually when they're outside the collision box like that they tend to just fall through the ground.
Alright thank you, that fixed it perfectly... but I also have another problem. The aircraft starts rolling away slowly once spawned. I know it's the masscenter but I can't find a value that seems to fix it.

I assume that you adjusted the ride height to be higher then normal, so I guess it must have more weight to the front and its causing it to lean forward causing it to move forward?

I would think that you would have to mess with mass center, but I would move it back so the jet leans flat.

Also If you're using eval to change the mass center remember to transmitdatablocks(); and respawn the vehicle.