Author Topic: :Execute: = 5 year old  (Read 6251 times)

I Am Of A Roast Too! Friend Roasted Pot Meat! Very Tasted, But Not Favorite. We Fight. Friend Again YAY!

I Am Of A Roast Too! Friend Roasted Pot Meat! Very Tasted, But Not Favorite. We Fight. Friend Again YAY!
i cant even

half this forum should be euthanized

well your getting banned

i'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to that specific "nobody cares"

hello kim I'd like to buy some of the blueprints to making concentration camps

The way insulting over age works:
~10 years old: Calls them 5 - 7 years old.
~12 years old: Calls them 10 years old.
>12 years old: Shut up Maxx

Protoss sure had a big smile for someone who lost their mother

Look at this creep.

He's a weeaboo too.

This picture gave me back my virginity.

nobody cares
Quote from:  Badspot on March 10, 2009, 06:09:16 PM
Anyone who posts "who cares" or "no one cares" or similar dismissive statements will be banned.

Protoss sure had a big smile for someone who lost their mother
I was trying to hide the pain.