Author Topic: the area 51 raid is over - 150 went to the gate  (Read 1943 times)

Anyone finding it weird that there's no actual livestream or videos on YouTube? I just want to see redditor massacre for gods sake. A lot of them are either loops or clickbait, the "gathering" livestream from Ruptly and Sputnik are real, but it's not related to the raid, And so is The Martian Report and SensibleSine

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WE DIDN'T DO IT, REDDIT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Anyone finding it weird that there's no actual livestream or videos on YouTube?

No I don't find it weird that facebook and youtube keep censoring this loving event.

Anyone finding it weird that there's no actual livestream or videos on YouTube? I just want to see redditor massacre for gods sake. A lot of them are either loops or clickbait, the "gathering" livestream from Ruptly and Sputnik are real, but it's not related to the raid, And so is The Martian Report and SensibleSine

wait while and check cause the raid barely ended

Anyone finding it weird that there's no actual livestream or videos on YouTube? I just want to see redditor massacre for gods sake. A lot of them are either loops or clickbait, the "gathering" livestream from Ruptly and Sputnik are real, but it's not related to the raid, And so is The Martian Report and SensibleSine
apparently the middle of the desert has stuff internet so thats why

Those people who went are stupid if they didn't just record the event when they found out "oh wifi is trash"