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Topics - Muffinmix

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Drama / Getting banned because people are getting the wrong idea!
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:49:31 AM »
Just the other day I suffered numerous bans when trying to explain what a Flying snake Ram is. I think no one will ever understand.

A FPR is a giant snake vehicle in second life that people can hop onto and fly around. It reaches speeds approaching system crippling mach 10 which allows it to clip through solid object. In other words, people use it to clip into restricted zones, like private houses and company owned stuff. I was trying to explain how beautiful it was when while you were watching your virtual TV in second life and suddenly a giant snake with roughly 7 people riding it suddenly crash through your wall and start throwing feces particles at you but all I got was "Jesus forget you for the mental image" 10 day bans.

True story:
I went on Rky's server and mentioned this thing, then got ban-sniped by someone I forget who. The details of how it started are not important, but then I got the idea to proceed to other servers and spread the good word. People were less then enthusiastic about my wonderful tale.

Gallery / Muffinmix' MotE Application
« on: December 18, 2007, 01:43:58 AM »
My application: Evilfort thing mk1 (unfinished)

27k bricks in all. Feel free to rate.

Gallery / I have just produced a miracle.
« on: December 15, 2007, 09:20:21 PM »
In this pic, there is something very special. Can you find it?

That's right, Inverted Corner bricks.
I found out a way to produce them without using modified bricks/add-on bricks.

Suggestions & Requests / Mind Crusher
« on: December 02, 2007, 09:47:54 PM »
A weapon that catches heads on fire.

In spell / staff / magical weapon form.

Ghoul posted this earlier:

Is there any way to make the guy you shoot go spinning with the bullet?

And so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to reverse engineer the Death Tumble script to accommodate this?

When a person is hit/killed by the weapon's projectile (wavebuster projectile), he starts tumbling with a high speed spin added to the tumble immediately after he starts tumbling.

Here's the death tumble script by Zor.

Code: [Select]
package deathzor{
 function GameConnection::onDeath(%this, %sourceObject, %sourceClient, %damageType, %damLoc){
  if(!%this.player.normaldeath && %this.minigame){
  Parent::onDeath(%this, %sourceObject, %sourceClient, %damageType, %damLoc);

function Deathtumble(%obj, %time)

//mount the object on a new deathvehicle for %time milliseconds
%currentVehicle = %obj.getObjectMount();
%client = %obj.client;

%newcar = new WheeledVehicle()
dataBlock = deathVehicle;
client = %client;
initialPosition = %posX @ " " @ %posY @ " " @ %posZ;

//%newcar = %client.DeathtumbleVehicle;
%newcar.setVelocity("0 0 0");


//neutralize current velocity
%newcar.applyImpulse( %newcar.getPosition(), vectorScale(%newcar.getVelocity() * -1, %newcar.getDataBlock().mass) );

//error("player tumbling!");
%obj.canDismount = false;

if(%currentVehicle && (%currentVehicle.getDataBlock().getName() $= "skiVehicle") )
//match ski vehicle
//neutralize velocity first

%newcar.applyImpulse( %newcar.getPosition(), vectorScale(%currentVehicle.getVelocity(), %newcar.getDataBlock().mass) );
%newcar.mountObject(%obj, 0);

%currentVehicle.setTransform("0 0 -1000");
%currentVehicle.schedule(500, delete);
//match player
//error("transform = ",%obj.getTransform());
%newcar.applyImpulse( %newcar.getPosition(), vectorScale(%obj.getVelocity(), %newcar.getDataBlock().mass) );

//%obj.setTransform("0 0 0 0 0 1 0");

%newcar.mountObject(%obj, 0);

//error("not skiing");
//error("transform = ",%obj.getTransform());

//definitely delete after 45 seconds
%newcar.schedule(45 * 1000, delete);

%newcar.schedule(2000, DeathtumbleCheck);"Corpse",%obj);

//remove %player.istumbling after a we stop
//schedule(%time, %obj, stopDeathtumble, %obj);

//%nextDeathtumbleVehicle = new WheeledVehicle()
// dataBlock = deathVehicle;
// client = %client;
// initialPosition = %posX @ " " @ %posY @ " " @ %posZ;
//%obj.client.DeathtumbleVehicle = %nextDeathtumbleVehicle;
//%nextDeathtumbleVehicle.setTransform("0 0 -90");

//%newcar.schedule(%time, unmountobject, %obj);
//%obj.schedule(%time, setcontrolobject, 0);
//%newcar.schedule(%time + 250, setTransform, "0 0 -90");

function Vehicle::DeathtumbleCheck(%obj)

function deathVehicle::DeathtumbleCheck(%this, %obj)
if(vectorLen(%obj.getVelocity()) < 1 || %obj.getWaterCoverage() > 0.3)
%player = %obj.getMountedObject(0);
%player.canDismount = true;
%obj.schedule(10, delete);
%obj.schedule(2000, DeathtumbleCheck);

function deathVehicle::onRemove(%this, %obj)
// echo("deathvehicle::onremove ", %this, " ", %obj);
%player = %obj.getMountedObject(0);
%player.canDismount = true;

Modification Help / Having multiple TrailEmitters on a projectile
« on: November 25, 2007, 10:41:07 PM »
Is it possible to have more than one trail emitter for a projectile?

If it is, and if it requires coding something from scratch, could someone make the code? Just something that will allow addition of an/some extra emitter/s to a projectile.

Modification Help / Square Particles.
« on: November 12, 2007, 07:32:59 PM »
I've had this problem before and I haven't the slightest how I remedied it last time.

The problem is that whenever I use colored particles (pre-made fire particles, Lens Flares, etc.) and I use them in weapons, they come out as colored squares.

How do I fix this?

Suggestions & Requests / Gravitize bricks
« on: November 08, 2007, 03:24:41 PM »
Seeing as we finally have a low gravity space map I was wondering if it would be possible to make a tool that can Gravitize bricks?

The concept is really just this: Tool hits brick, brick makes a Field of X height, anyone who enters Field will be pushed downwards. The feild will be as large and wide as the largeness and wideness of the brick that's been gravitized.

I imagined three possible ways of doing this, and I've listed them from less difficult (I think) to most difficult.

1- Hit a brick with the Grav-tool once, and it will create a gravity field Height equal to the height of a Blocko character. Anyone who enters the field will be sucked downwards.

2- Hit a brick with the Grav-tool once, and then set the gravity field distance (height) manually using chat, or better yet with a Gui. This would be nice to make taller fields for, let's say, hangars and spaceship docks.

3- Hit the brick once with the tool to gravitize it. It will produce a gravity field directly upwards and going up to a specific height (blocko character height, or some other height). Hit the brick a second time and it will become a Gravity Ceiling brick, which will not produce gravity but any gravity brick found underneath it will extend it's feild upwards until it hits that ceiling brick.

Example:   Not Grav-Ceiling       Grav Ceiling
                   ______                    ______
                                                 |   |   |
                                                 |   |   |
                   |   |   |                   |   |   |          o
                   V  V  V                     V  V  V         II
                   ______                    ______         /  \ Blocko character height

               Gravitized baseplates/plates/whatever

Now, hit the brick a third time and it becomes just a regular brick again.
For the grav ceiling/grav floor interaction:

Grav floor looks for grav ceiling above it
Detected grav ceiling-> take distance from grav floor to grav ceiling, set distance as field height
Could not detect grav ceiling -> set field height as a default height

But then again I utterly suck at C++ and programming so I don't know.

What do you guys think?


It's an index of what seems to embody everything about torque, I was wondering if anyone had found the complete document of this.

Modification Help / Do Debris Data and SubExplosion data work in BL?
« on: November 04, 2007, 02:16:47 PM »
I tried using sub-explosions yesterday to make a sun creating gun. It would create an explosion and then it's subexplosion would be an intermediate, and that intermediate explosion would be delayed and have the first main particle explosion as it's sub-explosion. This would create a controlled loop of explosions by timing the intermediate explosion to only happen after the first one dies off.

But, it would not loop. I tried making a bunch of sub-explosions to go along with the first one without any loops and none of the Subs would go off.

Then there's debris data, I know that it does work with the State Images (gunshells are Debris), but does it work with actual explosions? I was using the Empty.dts file in base/data/shapes/, but no actual debris (giant particle fireballs in this case) would appear when the explosion would go off.

Modification Help / Constant RadiusImpulse for a set time
« on: October 31, 2007, 11:01:02 PM »
I'm making a Blackhole Generating device as the next WMD. I've tried making a shield in the past and came up with a similar problem: I can't get the impulse to "remain" or linger, it acts 1 time on everyone and everything in the specified Radius and then that's it.

What I need is a code that will generate an impulse field/zone, like the FireDamage script for the fire arrows in the ammo add-on. The FireDamage script from the firearrows would apply damage every X second(s), and last a certain amount of time. The fire damage would actually take into account the DamageRadius as well, so you could create huge feilds of firedamage. I need something like this, but for ImpulseForce instead of Damage. As for suction/pull, that's been resolved (RadiusImpulseforce was set to a NEGATIVE value)

Here are the last bits of the Blackhole generator script (called VoidCaller). I had added the FireArrow firedamage feature to it (which works perfectly), and another code someone gave me to help me with the sheild (under Firedamage, and this one doesn't quite work).

Code: [Select]
//This part works.

$FireSpeed = 100; //Higher = Slower
$FireAmount =5; //Higher = More Damage
$FireDamageTime = 10000;
function VoidCallerProjectile::radiusDamage(%this, %obj, %col, %distanceFactor, %pos, %damageAmt)
if(%col.getClassName() $= "Player" && %col.getState() !$= "Dead" && isObject(%col.client.minigame)){
%col.psnamount = 0;

function timedmg(%col,%amount,%type,%timer,%maxtime)
 if(%col.getClassName() $= "Player" && %col.getState() !$= "Dead" && isObject(%col.client.minigame)){
 %col.damage(%col, "Head", %amount, %type);
 %col.psnamount = %col.psnamount + $FireSpeed;
 if(%col.psnamount < %maxtime){

function VoidCallerdProjectile::onCollision(%this, %obj, %slot){
     if(!%obj.client.isSuperAdmin && !%obj.client.isAdmin)
         %i = new Trigger() {
            position = %pos;
            rotation = "1 0 0 0";
            scale = "3 24 3";
            dataBlock = LastingImpulse;
            polyhedron = "0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000";

//This part does not work.

datablock TriggerData(LastingImpulse){
   tickPeriodMS = 100;

function LastingImpulse::OnEnter(%this, %trigger, %obj){
   %obj.setVelocity(vectorAdd(%obj.getVelocity(),"0 0 500"));

function TriggerDelete(%obj){

Could you guys help me out? I gave you the last bits which could or could not be salvaged, I'm just not sure.
Also I'm programming illiterate, and can't decipher/create code very well, so I might not understand what to do with a chunk of code you throw at me.

Drama / Well Off-topic has gone to stuff and it only took 2 days
« on: October 27, 2007, 01:36:37 PM »
Read this Original Post.

Ignoring the huge amount of "Gone forever, f uck you as sholes" avatars, I'd say that you guys did a terrific job turning Off-Topic into a 4chan without creep anime and research,

I can't be bothered to go about accusing anyone over the internet because that would be like trying to paint your garage door with paint thinner , and as you know such an action would accomplish nothing. Instead I'll just blame the general populace.

To the flamers: Shut the f uck up. Don't give me that "It was just a joke lol" crap, because 100% of the "jokes" I've seen up until now weren't funny at all.
To the counter-flamers: Shut the f uck up. You are not helping by making things worse.
To the constant "Is he gay? Yes he is!" thread makers: You're gay and shut the f uck up.
To the supporters of the friends that started this: Why do you even bother?

History check
The entirety of this handicapation was started in Thread X, where Party A accused Party B of being of Emo subculture a couple days ago. Soon after that, flame, counter flame, counter counter flame, retaliation retaliation retaliation, multi-thread friendry, multiple useless polls/accusation threads were created, and everyone jumped on it.

Notice I've underlined everyone. You could've ignored this sh it and continued posting about your music or something, which would have been FINE. Music threads are lovely! We see your opinions and some interesting revelations. Instead of music, or games or whatever you chose to jump on the sh it train express and fuel it with your E-rage.

Now I can understand that having huge internet fights is exhilarating! It makes you feel alive and all sweaty and masturbate and sh it, but this kind of garbage is making it difficult to concentrate on music threads, and your sweaty jokes still remain unfunny no matter how many times you erupt onto your monitor per day.

So please please please let this abominable handicapation die. If it persists, ignore it. LET IT DIE.

Modification Help / Relfective surfaces
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:18:17 PM »
As many of you know, it is possible to get reflective surfaces in Blockland by making something in milkshape and not assigning any materials to it. Problem is this surface is always Grey/Blueish. Would it be possible to change the reflective color? As in a darker Grey or some such? It would make for some awesome vehicle detail.

Drama / Not blocko mods
« on: October 18, 2007, 06:39:26 PM »
Guys chill.

Seriously just chill the forget out.

If you do not like the halo mod, or the Pokemon mod, or the whatever the stuff mod, then don't download it and stop attacking anyone and everyone that suggests/makes one. If someone hosts a server with that stuff, it will not spread to your server like an epidemic. People are already assimilating names of video game characters and objects which cause you to become strangely irritated and ill, so the release of a few not-blocko mods will probably not change the situation. Maybe you will see a thread about such a not-blocko mod pop up one day in add-ons, and if you get depressed, irritated, mentally unstable and suicidal because of a loving thread title than I would recommend you get some professional help, or at least not go into the thread to attack whoever and whatever you see first.

This is exactly why I never released my nice planetside things even though some individuals wanted them, I was going to get E-ssaulted as soon as I did. Actually, I was getting attacked for simply posting pics of them. I know you have your opinions but quit shoving them down other people's throats.

Suggestions & Requests / Lock On missiles
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:08:22 PM »
Simply a weapon that locks onto players/vehicles and shoots a missile that will follow and hit the Locked On target.

I was thinking of having a weapon that continuously shoots a harmless Laser Projectile or Invisible Projectile at a very high speed, and if it collides with a player/vehicle, it is Locked On. Pressing the trigger afterwards would launch a missile that seeks and destroys the target. It would also be cool if we could modify how fast the Missile changes direction (instantly, or kind of sluggishly), whether it is changing direction from the moment fired or changing direction only after a specific time, and whether it changes direction constantly or goes straight, changes direction, goes straight, changes direction, etc. over a set time cycle.

Possible Alterations of the script

Orbital Missile
It would be fired upwards and after a specific amount of time, would change it's direction to come back down onto the target

Scatter lasers
Fires multiple lasers that slowly change direction to collide with the target (possibility of making them capable of piercing the target, circling around him and then piercing him a second time)

Anti Aircraft arcing lasers
Lasers that would arc back and forth in straight lines, changing direction very rapidly but only for a very short amount of time, to track down and destroy aircraft.

A bunch of other missile stuff

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