Author Topic: STEAM WINTER SALE ASDF - now over :c  (Read 54935 times)

Asking for both Half-Life 2: Episode 1&2.
Selling Blocks that Matter for a couple TF2 items.
I have ep2.

Asking for both Half-Life 2: Episode 1&2.
Selling Blocks that Matter for a couple TF2 items.
Can I make you an offer tomorrow for blocks that matter? I have crockleather sloach and pyro devil tail thing.

you can remove me wanting terraria.
my mother bought it for me.

Anyone feel like giving me Fallout 1? I've got a Valve 33% off, 3 pieces of coal and a HiB 3 code that got tacked onto my HiB 4 if you feel like trading :v


you can remove me wanting terraria.
my mother bought it for me.

I think she likes you.

I want "Delve deeper" On steam (1 dollar!!!)
i cant buy any games because my moms a huge friend when it comes to games.

Amnesia or Killing Floor
Please :]

I have a 50% off mumbo jumbo complete pack and 25% off valve game. I will accept anything.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 03:18:51 PM by tails »

Willing to trade 40% off the witcher 2 and 50% off greed corp for psychonauts
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 02:10:32 PM by kakashi11 »

Im picking up F1 2011 today.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 02:38:34 PM by ? »