
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2215854 times)

they also have more people than the US and EU combined. of course they'd have more emissions. but they have less per person

Because they're poor as stuff

and also have a population density several times higher than the us

I think you have to be a bit of a richard to say "y'know I'm not cool with literally all life on earth being vanquished from the lack of an ozone layer but as long as private business gets to produce whatever energy source that's fine with me"

alright, we'll make everyone use inefficient "green" energy sources that will raise their energy costs (fun for the poor), kill job growth and overall won't make a dent in the rate at which the Earth's temperature rises
we'll also carry that over to extremely poor, desolate countries that can't afford to have any other source of power other than coal and natural gas otherwise the poorest in the country won't be able to live a normal life and would be at risk of dying, can't forget them
all because a group of politicians and politically-motivated scientists got together and said, "how can we expand our powers beyond the limits we're allowed? I know! let's hype up something not as urgent to be overwhelmingly doomsday-level catastrophic and then scare people using tactics of 'if you don't believe this you don't believe in science which makes you a handicap', if we could jail them that'd be even better!!!11!!1!1!1!!!!1"

who's the richard again

the Paris agreement is short term vs long term thinking

the Paris agreement is short term vs long term thinking

not even that, it's a debate over "do the ends justify the means" which no not really

not in this case

alright, we'll make everyone use inefficient "green" energy sources that will raise their energy costs (fun for the poor), kill job growth and overall won't make a dent in the rate at which the Earth's temperature rises
we'll also carry that over to extremely poor, desolate countries that can't afford to have any other source of power other than coal and natural gas otherwise the poorest in the country won't be able to live a normal life and would be at risk of dying, can't forget them
all because a group of politicians and politically-motivated scientists got together and said, "how can we expand our powers beyond the limits we're allowed? I know! let's hype up something not as urgent to be overwhelmingly doomsday-level catastrophic and then scare people using tactics of 'if you don't believe this you don't believe in science which makes you a handicap', if we could jail them that'd be even better!!!11!!1!1!1!!!!1"

who's the richard again

Donald Annoying Orange be like, "If I can't have the world, nobody can..."

At what point is it ok to royally forget over the next generation of people. Global warming or not, this is ridiculous.

Donald Annoying Orange be like, "If I can't have the world, nobody can..."
At what point is it ok to royally forget over the next generation of people. Global warming or not, this is ridiculous.

Like the paris agreement would stop the storyline of fallout or something

actually in fallout lore, the great war happened because of fighting for the few fossil fuels left (the resource wars,) so having widespread renewable energy would actually stop the storyline of fallout.

did someone say fallout

new california republic here i come

actually in fallout lore, the great war happened because of fighting for the few fossil fuels left (the resource wars,) so having widespread renewable energy would actually stop the storyline of fallout.