Author Topic: Fastlane4321 - Freakout Lord of Late 2016  (Read 2425 times)

Meanwhile, a server meant to not be taken seriously, failbros2's jailbreak simulator, where everybody does whatever in a jailbreak-style server, except there are no rules, just a bunch of funny things. Fastlane4321 was a super admin on the server, and started freaking out over the fact I wasn't taking the server seriously.

Yes, I did actually metagame, but like I said, this server wasn't supposed to be taken seriously and it was just where you could have fun, but this was a really big deal to Fast.

However, right after the fight, he got kicked and demoted to Admin. Rejoined, and started rambling on and on and on about the same topic with the same excuse over and over again.

What do you guys think, exactly? /support or /nosupport?
If you want more info or evidence, please tell me.

ofc Fastlane would do this what would you expect lol

ofc Fastlane would do this what would you expect lol
I don't know what I was expecting, really.

Perma'd him from the server after he kept doing that. JB simulator is safe for now.

it kinda sucks to want to actually play and others don't but he did overreact a bit
did it SAY not to metagame? if so, you're kinda in the wrong as well
but still guy overreacted so support either way, just in varying amounts

did it SAY not to metagame? if so, you're kinda in the wrong as well
Nah, it was never enforced by failbros or even implied. Fastlane was just enforcing it and acting like it was his own damn server all of a sudden.

Lordy lord, those blank avatars are confusing me.

How Fastlane gets admined is beyond me. Every encounter of him I get always ends up with him acting as a giant child. Has he got an ego through the roof or something? Is he spoilt.
Either way, be careful next time you run into Fastlane. He strikes me as the kind of person who is like "You annoyed me then, I'll ban you now." kinda guy.

Another drama on this kid? Will he ever change?


I was kinda hoping fast would go nuclear and stuff himself on this thread, oh well maybe next time.


Fastlane is a known cigarette.

Lordy lord, those blank avatars are confusing me.
I would have gotten one a while ago