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Messages - Headcrab Zombie

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Off Topic / Re: how many times do you shower per week
« on: October 19, 2018, 11:52:31 AM »
Generally once a day, unless I do something that gets me particularly dirty in which case I'll shower right after.

Also I'm typically a morning showerer but occasionally I'll shower the night before and then not shower the following morning, so it would be two showers one day then zero the next

Off Topic / Re: Is it possible to port forward via a vpn?
« on: October 14, 2018, 12:22:42 AM »
My ISP uses one of these
Ah, I see. I've never heard of this.

So it's not necessarily that they block it, just that the network infrastructure doesn't support it

So my answer would still be

But I imagine VPN might work? I know people have used software like Hamachi to host without port forwarding

Better solution: if you have a VPS, why not just put the BL several on that?

Off Topic / Re: Is it possible to port forward via a vpn?
« on: October 14, 2018, 12:13:54 AM »
brother what

closed ports are something that should be happening on your own network segment, it shouldn't be something your ISP has any control over at all.
They could block all inbound connections, but I think it's unlikely that's actually what's happening. And even then, I don't know if that would even affect a connectionless protocol like UDP (which is what most game servers would run on)

A lot of residential ISPs block inbound connections on extremely common ports like 80 and 443, but I've never heard of uncommon ports being blocked.

That being said, blocking inbound connections is a very different thing than blocking port forwarding. The latter shouldn't be possible; as you said, that's controlled entirely within your network.

It is possible that he just has an extremely basic router that simply doesn't offer it, in which case the solution would be to get a better router.

But I imagine VPN might work? I know people have used software like Hamachi to host without port forwarding

Better solution: if you have a VPS, why not just put the BL several on that?

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread v2 - Furry Things Here!
« on: October 05, 2018, 12:45:56 AM »
sriracha unironically loving sucks as a hot-sauce, initially tastes like salsa then like grass immediately after, very slight warmth, is very over-rated in general

also I love how TheKid draws bees

Wtf kind of Sriracha did you have lol
I mean I'll agree it's overrated
But it doesn't taste like grass, wtf?

Quote from: Boomsticks Alt
Nice thumbnail bro

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread v2 - Furry Things Here!
« on: October 04, 2018, 02:40:10 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Make an argument against incest that isn't religious.
« on: October 03, 2018, 12:16:29 AM »
WOOOOOOOW. Okay. I can feel the crusty keyboard fingers smashing as I open this thread. Have any of you considered appliance hygenics?

 I am NOT going to impregnate my sister, me and her have been happily partnered for about 3 years now, and there is absolutely NOTHING morally wrong with me having intercourse with her. She is a beautiful, respectable woman and it is HER choice to be dating me. None of you know the context or the situation of this here and I despise you haters with a burning passion. Never have I felt so angered in my life at intolerancy and injustice by those who don't understand me.

Get a life.
tbh i thought we were just having a discussion for the hell of it lmao

Adding on to my previous post:
If schools could find a way to encourage more women to enter in to fields that women generally don't go for, I'd be all for it. As long as it's not something BS like "lower tuition for women"

That IMO might be the best way to handle this. But this law saying "YOU HAVE TO HIRE THESE CANDIDATES THAT DON'T EXIST!!!" is just awful

If having women on boards is as beneficial to the company as this article claims, then why is a law necessary?
If there was such a huge benefit, then why wouldn't companies want to take advantage of what they have to offer?

Oh, probably for the same reason that my company hasn't had a single woman employee in the entire time I've worked here: none have applied.

It's not discriminatory, there just aren't very many women in my field (software development). Even going through college, there were women all over the school and in my general classes, but in all my actual degree-related classes, through all four years, there was one woman.

If my company where to have some law placed upon us saying we have to hire a woman next, we'd be forced to hire an underqualified/unqualified applicant just to fulfill the requirement. The company operates on a pretty tight staff; when we need to hire someone, we need to hire now, and don't have months to wait for the female applicants we never get.

I'm pretty sure upper management positions fall in the same boat: no women are hired because no women are applying

Off Topic / Re: Make an argument against incest that isn't religious.
« on: September 30, 2018, 11:30:10 PM »
Relationships that dont result in kids, it's harder to say
And i don't think anyone here is giving a good answer either.
"Incest is immoral" "Incest is unnatural" but that's not an answer, that's just restating the question: why is it immoral/unnatural

Morals are subjective, but that doesn't mean morals don't exist.

Likewise higher prevalence of genetic immunity and good traits
If your selectively breeding for them, sure. But it's not going to happen on its own.

Off Topic / Re: Make an argument against incest that isn't religious.
« on: September 30, 2018, 11:21:44 PM »
Inbreeding results in lack of genetic diversity, which means higher prevalence of disease and genetic defects.

Relationships that dont result in kids, it's harder to say

constant gay pride marches
It's called activism.
You do realize that LGBT issues are still very much a political issue?
The supreme Court may have ruled banning gay marriage as unconstitutional, but there are still many states where it is completely legal to fire employees solely for being gay. LGBT youth represent a very significant percentage of homeless youth. There are still many issues left.

There have been marches and protests and assemblies for every human rights issue ever, do you think it was reasonable for people to respond to them with "ok we get it, you're black, no need to shove it down my throat"?

If you don't want to see a pride parade, don't go to one. Simple as that. I didn't even know where or when my state's was until some friends wanted me to go with them.

LGBTQ week is a thing now in my school
My high school made a big deal out of the entirety of Black History Month.

the constant vidoes on youtube about how people are gay,
the constant insta pics of people typing paragraphs on their gay pride
Then don't watch/read them.
There's tons of content on the internet that doesn't interest me. I just go elsewhere. It's not worth my time ranting about stuff I'm not interested in

gay people disclosing they are gay when they meet someone new,
Alright, that's a fair complaint.
There's a time and a place for everything, and someone you just met isn't the right time.
But again, as I said earlier: 17, high schoolers, children, blah blah

also have you realized that a majority of these LGBTQ people never say anything about the dehumanization of gays in Arab countries?
Sure, it's awful, but I don't really have a say in Arabic country governments

Off Topic / Re: coffee or toffee
« on: September 28, 2018, 03:30:28 PM »
I bought a coffee grinder, electric gooseneck kettle, and pour over filter earlier this week.
It sits on a table next to my desk at work.

I can make good coffee at work without even leaving my office


What exactly do you consider "shoving the lgbtq stuff down people's throats"?

I've only ever encountered one person that I would consider as having been far too vocal in their loveuality (and this is coming from someone who hangs around furries a lot): I was playing cards against humanity with some friends, in a semi-public setting where anyone was welcome to join, someone played a card that said "what to do with all this chocolate on my snake?" and this guy none of us knew just responds by saying "ooohh I would lick it all off mmmmm because I'm sooo gay"

I'll admit I have some issues with generalizing but if I'm going to be honest with you I have had way too many problems with many fandoms in my lifetime.
It sounds like what you're experiencing is the vocal minority/silent majority
Every group has it's problem people, whether that be a fandom such as furry or anime, or something like the blockland community. Hell, there's plenty of furries I know locally that annoy me that I don't like to associate with.

But for every member of a group that you have a problem with, there are countless people you don't even know are part of that group because they keep to themselves about it. And when you generalize (which at least you've admitted you have a problem with) you push those problems onto all the other people you don't have issues with

It's also worth mentioning that you being only 17 most likely means you're still in high school, and high schoolers aren't exactly the best population to base an opinion on. Speaking from my own experience, once you get out of high school and into the real world (whatever that means to you, whatever post-high school plans you have) most of the issues you have will go away, simply on account of not being surrounded by children all day, every day

I think you all just need a hug

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