Author Topic: Anyone got a game mode for me to host?  (Read 4443 times)

Right now I have a ubuntu box that is running basically 24/7 and I have already set it up to run Blockland servers.
Any ideas on what game mode I should host? Right now I'm running Unlimited Mining but it seems that someone else is too. I guess I can stay on that for now but if anyone has a link to a gamemode that is still downloadable and would like to see it hosted, I could do it.

Why not just make something?

Thing is, just hosting stuff that's been released all the time doesn't really bring anything new to hosting, it just gets boring after a while seeing the same servers over and over. But whatever I guess.

Thing is, just hosting stuff that's been released all the time doesn't really bring anything new to hosting, it just gets boring after a while seeing the same servers over and over. But whatever I guess.
oh yeah sorry, let me just put in a ton of work to make something really cool and unique from nothing for free so it can be played by barely anyone

the point of this thread is that now there are a ton of servers and game modes that haven't been hosted in a while, and I'm trying to see what people wanna see make a return now that I can easily host something

let me just put in a ton of work to make something really cool and unique from nothing for free so it can be played by barely anyone
pfft that's me in a nutshell with all the stuff I've made.

throwmod or falling tiles would be p nice

Some of these sound interesting, especially the ones the brighter dark made since I never played any of them before.
I think for now I'll do falling tiles though since it seems the simplest. Maybe if I get a lot of people I can switch to one of the more interesting ones.