Author Topic: Blockland Weapon Buy System  (Read 39969 times)

this sounds  like a lot of fun

A toggleable bounty perhaps? Builds up, the more kills the more you are worth, making you a valuable target for the enemy.
Cool idea, I'll consider it.

Wait, does this require a money mod?

If it does, can you make it work with RP Content? Cause then it might replace the RP Weapons cost Money if the prices are lower, or even if it's higher

Took that word right out of my mouth.

Added everyone's suggestions to main post.

Cool. I can't wait for a release so I could see the code. I need to get a buy function for my Colony RPG thing.

Cool. I can't wait for a release so I could see the code. I need to get a buy function for my Colony RPG thing.
Since I think the release will be a while... Here's the main buy function:
Code: [Select]
function setWBuyInven(%this,%item,%slot,%name,%cost,%special) //client-itemName-slotNumber-GuiName-Price-NonItemBuying
if(!%this.player.CanWeaponBuy) {
messageClient(%this,'',"\c2You are not in a Buy zone so you cannot buy anything from the shop.");
return; }
else {
if(%this.WBuyMoney <= %cost) {
messageClient(%this,'',"\c2You do not have enough money to buy "@%name@" for $"@%cost@".");
return; }
else {
%player = %this.player;
if(%special == 1) {
%this.WBuyMoney = %this.WBuyMoney-%cost;
%this.player.setEnergyLevel(0); }
if(%special == 2) {
%this.WBuyMoney = %this.WBuyMoney-%cost;
messageClient(%this,'',"\c2You have bought "@%name@" for $"@%cost@"!"); }
if(%special == 3) {
%this.WBuyMoney = %this.WBuyMoney-%cost;
messageClient(%this,'',"\c2You have bought "@%name@" for $"@%cost@"!"); }
if(isObject(%player) && %special <= 0) {
messageClient(%this,'',"\c2You have bought "@%name@" for $"@%cost@"!");
%this.WBuyMoney = %this.WBuyMoney-%cost;
Aren't I nice? All you have to do is figure out how to use it correctly.

dust plz
not the best picture of it had to dig through my saves and remove spam from the build then upload a picture of it and save

« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 10:13:37 PM by Flying Ace »

He means the map.
He can make it himself if he wants then.

EDIT: I might actually make a better one than the one posted above.

It's by Stratofortress

too bad he never did do Office, or release his assault one :(


On Topic: Good Progression, hopefully RTB will accept.

It's by Stratofortress
too bad he never did do Office, or release his assault one :(
It doesn't look that good, and I can see spam everywhere. :(
Don't post your stuff on my topic.