Author Topic: AOT weapon sugestion  (Read 10918 times)

put the canoes back and have some sort of fishing to regain health


Ammo: Posion Dart

Damage: 100%

Dual: No

Reload: Yes

Clip: 1

Reload Time: 1.00 Seconds

#4 Nuke Silo and Missile

Damage: 9999

Effect: Neuclear Exposure

Reload time and Cosr: 1hr 9,000,000Gp

Weapon Price: 10,000,000,000,000Gp

Ok even if everyone pooled their money to buy one do yo realise how large and explostion like that would be and how much it would lag? It would lag so much no one could see it cause they would lagg to death

PSP weapon = shoot once, load for 45 seconds.
know theres a  weapons!

Ok even if everyone pooled their money to buy one do yo realise how large and explostion like that would be and how much it would lag? It would lag so much no one could see it cause they would lagg to death

Thats the point.

Lightsaber plz.

Age of Jedi.

Ok even if everyone pooled their money to buy one do yo realise how large and explostion like that would be and how much it would lag? It would lag so much no one could see it cause they would lagg to death

Thats the point.

D00d, in BLM theres this particle beam that lags like a  :panda: ing load of  :iceCream:  when it goes off.

Duh, I know that I've been here for more than a year.

My ultimate weapon is already in the game!

You ready for this?

Sarcasm. That's right, my razor sharp and usually grumpy tonger is already included

how about when people die, you can pick up their severed limbs and hit people with them ^^

or eat the people for health XD

#4 Nuke Silo and Missile

Damage: 9999

Effect: Neuclear Exposure

Reload time and Cosr: 1hr 9,000,000Gp

Weapon Price: 10,000,000,000,000Gp

Basically, a BFG : D
Never played the origional Doom('cept maybe for 1 minute), but, I have played Turok, wich has a BFG rip off gun.  I think that would kick ass.  But, you have to remember....

a.) Weapons of this sort have nothing to do with anything in Aot.
b.)Badspot is very lazy/preoccupied with Blockland
c.)I know, I know, the weapon is a joke.  i just like reading myself talk.

Am I really playing with kids :-x "rip there arms off beat each other" "eat them for health" my gawd...