Author Topic: New Speaker Bricks  (Read 5465 times)

You say this is high polly Fillipe... No... this is high poly and i am not going to release because i know people like you will cry over them being high poly.
Yep the cash register is 249 poly
Popcorn is 325 poly
The max poly is 350 i think because when i tried to add more squares to 350 it wont load so yeah...
No I actually mean that the design of the speaker looks out of place, he could change it to make it look more like a blockland brick

Like make the faces bigger?

No I actually mean that the design of the speaker looks out of place, he could change it to make it look more like a blockland brick

I'm confused by this comment what do you mean out of place do you mean the grid if so i put it like that

you can make it fit on a 2x2 grid i didnt want it to be so close to my Tv if that's what you mean

So that 2x2x3 high is not brick enough for you?

This is going to be harder to explain than I thought...

No I mean the design of it not the grid, you should make an octangle instead of a circle, or whatever that could fit better
Actually nevermind you guys are going to complain anyway thinking that I am insulting his model or something
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 11:56:57 AM by Filipe »

I'm okay with high poly, just ignore the cigarettes who call you out for it when you release it.

Also things don't have to be like the default style, don't listen to filipe.

I'm okay with high poly, just ignore the cigarettes who call you out for it when you release it.

Also things don't have to be like the default style, don't listen to filipe.

Yeah thank you
58 People have downloaded this in the past 5mins so it cant be so bad

But everyone has there opinions and its good to listen to what people comment i could always meet half way next time i make something

there is no max poly limit. please stop talking about what you have no idea of. torque engine isn't efficient enough to have high polys, there isn't a defined limit though. there is no quad limit either. just the default obj to blb converter has a set quad limit. if you get generals obj to blb there is no limit. meggey and Daniel I can both see you are fairly new to this brick making thing just don't go around gloating about how much you know. you really don't know a lot: emphasized to Daniel S

This is going to be harder to explain than I thought...

No I mean the design of it not the grid, you should make an octangle instead of a circle, or whatever that could fit better
Actually nevermind you guys are going to complain anyway thinking that I am insulting his model or something

Ahhh i see what you mean yes that would look cool But i dont think im going to make it I like what you mean tho about the octangle But they are mainly Sub woofers

there is no max poly limit. please stop talking about what you have no idea of. torque engine isn't efficient enough to have high polys, there isn't a defined limit though. there is no quad limit either. just the default obj to blb converter has a set quad limit. if you get generals obj to blb there is no limit. meggey and Daniel I can both see you are fairly new to this brick making thing just don't go around gloating about how much you know. you really don't know a lot: emphasized to Daniel S

Maximum of 512 quads per blb.
Triangles can be used, but they will be represented by quads.
There is currently no mechanism for texturing.

Just going off what the creator of Blockland Has said thats all

Maximum of 512 quads per blb.
Triangles can be used, but they will be represented by quads.
There is currently no mechanism for texturing.
as I said, that is a set limit for the converter itself. a blb has no quad limit. please re read my post.
you can use obj to blb converters like General's that has no limit.

they don't fit in at all. i'd rather just build my own speakers, or use ones that fit in with the game.

I do agree that it looks a bit out-of-place, but it looks good at the same time.

Also, the cash register looks very nice. Please release it.

Cash register and popcorn both fit.  Something about the speaker just seems out of place though. Not really sure what.
Props to you making it a music brick though!

What if he added studs to the top of that speaker, and those circles were two 2x2f rounds?

The speakers need to get the side texture on the sides, have the round parts darkened a bit and smoothshaded, and studs on the top.