Author Topic: Post Some Good Videogame Ideas  (Read 1158 times)

Post some good Videogame Ideas

A game where you beat the stuff out of your coworkers using a complex punch out like telegraphed first person fistbrawl

A puzzle game where a small moustached plumber moves to the right jumping over obstacles like sentient mushrooms and turtles and the players job is to procedurally create death traps in order to kill the plumber by setting up rube Goldberg delay triggered traps and modifying the map ahead to plan for his arrival

It's like Mario except you are the level editor and it's all in real time

A coop top down stealth game where one player rearranges the map by stealthily pushing tiles around in order to give the second player a better route to kill the enemies which can only be killed from behind and can kill you in one hit and will chase you around

The map has trap tiles that only affect player one but not player two so while player one is rearranging the map amidst dangerous traps player two has to lure or drag enemy bodies to set off or block traps to allow player one to progress
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 11:38:16 PM by thegoodperry »

A first person shooter where enemies are very diverse in behavior and attacks and shooting them will weaken the enemy allowing you to possess their body and inherit their ability set to use around the map

Basically Kirby and Doom have a child

Me and a friend came up with this on the bus

The objective of the game is to pretty much take over hell. You get there by doing Flash Mob and crimes while alive, so the more "sins" you get, the better off you start, either going down as a legend or a random schmuck. Pretty much you brawl your way through hell, defeating the devil's servants and stuff while down there before eventually getting to the devil himself, who you fight. Since he can't be killed, you pretty much annoy him to the point to where he gives you the throne

idk it's some metal as forget game

A real time pong/card deck building game where your deck includes a slew of abilities that you can combine and each card modifies your paddle In unique ways. The map has various obstacles like blocks and hitting them will award points that allow you to draw cards which will do things like increase your paddle size or turn your ball into a raycast bullet of death that the enemy has only a second to react to and trace it's trajectory. Build decks while dodging attacks and hitting the ball. Basically a war of attrition for the most unique niche abilities. Winning the game is less direct than vanilla pong and requires maybe a minute of back and forth before one player earns a unique card and owns the game with a reverse ball direction curveball power card

It could also work as a turn based game which would be interesting to make. Turn based pong. During your turn you get to decide how far the paddle will move on your zone and the strategy is timing that movement in order to Intercept the ball trajectory while also coming from an angle that allows a higher reward shot.

This is an interesting game because taking the most basic video game ever created with the simplest understanding mechanics and introducing new mechanics built around that understandable system would be new
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 11:51:15 PM by thegoodperry »

A puzzle platformer where you carve circles out of the level and rotate everything inside that circle in order to make alternate paths for your player. You can only make a limited number of circles and can only rotate so much but apart from that you can draw circles anywhere and of any size. This could be used to solve something as simple as flipping a bed of spikes upside down so you can walk on them to rotating nested circles of portions of the map in order to make weird staircases for your player to avoid the arbitrary rising lava trope

hey perry try using a single post instead of quad posting and double posting on the first page

a block-based building/exploration space game where you can build your own spaceships out of blocks that each perform a different function, and then go and explore a vast and complex procedurally-generated universe filled with various anomalies, nebulas, planets, star systems, galaxies, and dangerous AI factions.

basically just starmade but with non-garbage ship design mechanics